The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)

Miss Leader, Tuesday, August 15, 1978 Spangler is married HARRISONBURG The wedding vows of Miss Gayle Spangler and Lewis Worthington Moore were exchanged Monday morning at 10 o'clock in Asbury United Methodist Church. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John F. Spangler of Rt.

8, Harrisonburg. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. John M. Moore of Staunton.

The Rev. James M. John performed the single-ring ceremony with a program of harpsichord music by Ray Ellerman. The bride wore a formallength gown featuring a lace bodice. Her veil, trimmed with matching lace, fell from a matching lace bandeau.

She carried a bouquet of orange roses and baby's breath. Miss Sharon Spangler was her sister's maid of honor. Steve A. Chambers of Weyers Cave served as best man. A reception was given by the bride's parents at the church.

After a wedding trip to Hilton Head, S.C., the couple will reside in Morganton, W. where both will attend West Virginia University. Mrs. Moore is a graduate of Turner Ashby High School and will graduate from James Madison University in December. She is a mathematics major.

Mr. Moore is a graduate of Fort Defiance High School and is majoring in agriculture at West Virginia University. Personals Mr. and Douglas Haynes of Woodbridge spent the weekend with Mrs. Haynes' parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Elwood Hodge of Deerfield. Mrs. F. J.

Stout has returned from visiting her sonin-law and daughter, Lt. and Mrs. David McCaskey in Salinas, Calif. Mrs. Stout also visited Dr.

and Mrs. Paul Clayman in Santa Cruz, Calif. Dr. Clayman is an orthopedic surgeon who formerly practiced in Staunton. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert L. Boco*ck of Greenville announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Anne on Aug. 5 in Waynesboro Community Hospital. Grandparents are Mr.

and Mrs. Hubert C. Sweet of Greenville and Mr. and Mrs. D.

L. Boco*ck of Staunton. Great grandmother is Mrs. Winnie T. Boco*ck of Staunton.

WAYNESBORO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Stuarts Draft, a boy on Aug.

13. KING'S DAUGHTERS' HOSPITAL BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowell Wenger, Rt.

1, Box 12A, Mt. Sidney, a boy at 3:26 p.m. on Aug. 13. MRS.

LEWIS WORTHINGTON MOORE (Miss Gayle Spangler) New officer nominating committee selected by club FAIRFIELD The Fair Hills Garden Club met recently in the home of Mrs. Walter Tolles. A nominating committee was appointed to select the new slate of officers for the coming year: Mrs. Joe Mynes, chairman, Mrs. Lacy Whitmore and Mrs.

Gilmer Fauber. Mrs. Richard Patterson of Raphine was welcomed a new member. J. P.

Alexander and Mrs. Virginia Smith were guests. Mrs. Whitmore received the prize given by the hostess for receiving the most blue ribbons. A life membership will be given to Mrs.

Kenneth Clemmer at the fall meeting. The club entertained 21 patients at Western State Hospital recently. Each person was given a potted flower for their rooms. Announcement was made of the workshop on "Basic Flower Arranging and Exhibiting" to be held Sept. 14 at Christ United Methodist Church, Staunton.

Mrs. James Martin and Mrs. Curtis Goodman made the following awards: -blue: Mrs. Whitmore, two; Mrs. Patterson, one.

Horticulture--blue: Mrs. Whitmore, five; Mrs. Mynes and Mrs. Patterssn, four; Mrs. Harry Borthwick, Mrs.

Clemmer and Mrs. Goodman, three; Mrs. Fauber, two and Mrs. Spinelli honored CHURCHVILLE Mrs. Boyce Spinelli of Staunton was honored recently at a baby shower given by Mrs.

Ronald C. Witherow and Miss Mary Witherow at their home. The honoree was presented a bouquet of multi-colored flowers. Games were led by the Misses Witherow and Danielle Spinelli, with prizes awarded to Mrs. James McGrogan, Mrs.

Thomas McLaughlin, Mrs. Wayne Anderson, Mrs. Spinelli and Mrs. Janet Yaugo. In addition to those previously mentioned the following were served refreshments after the opening of gifts.

Mrs. Yvette Adams, Mrs. Candy Neff, Mrs. Walter Pruchnic, Sister Eileen Healy, Mrs. George Scandalis and Mrs.

Madeline Brueggemann. BACK-TO-SCHOOL MUSIC SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 7:30 to 9 P.M. (In case of rain, Wed. Aug. 16) Gypsy Mill Park Bandstand Music by BARNSTORM FREE: DR PEPPER Courtesy of Dr Popper Bottling Staunton Sponsored By: Retail Merchants Assn.

of Staunton Annual Eavers reunion held MT. SOLON The annual Eavers reunion was held recently at the Towers Ruritan Club at Natural Chimneys. The following attended: Roller Eavers Mr. and Mrs. Petie Eavers, Gary, Rhonda and Amy, Eddie Eavers, Mark and Scott, Mr.

and Mrs. W. K. Weaver, Lynn Weaver, Mr. and Mrs mond Eavers, Coy and Mikie, Mr.

and Mrs. M. R. Eavers and Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Fitzgerald, Kenneth, Lisa and Susan Layton, all of Stuarts Draft. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Eavers, Billy and Dale, Ms. Ethel Eavers, Walter Dove, Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Eavers, Mr. and Mrs. Bradford I Beverly, Kenneth and Shelby Beverly, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cox and Mrs.

Nora Sangor, all of Mt. Solon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiracofe, Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Huffman, Linda, Melissa, Brenda and Laura Ann, Ms. Lavonne Cave, Mr. and d' Mrs. Lewis Payne, Mr.

and Mrs. David Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hanger, Shelley, Michael, Scott and Heidi, Mr. and Mrs.

Verlin Michael, all of Bridgewater. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hite, Coeyman-Mattox wedding BARREN RIDGE Ms. Jo Ella (Deaver) Mattox became the bride of Charles Felix Coeyman on July 7 at 7 p.m.

in Barren Ridge Church of the Brethren. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Deaver Sr.

of Rt. 3, Staunton. Parents of the bridegroom are the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coeyman of Fishersville.

The Rev. Clarence Moyers performed the double-ring ceremony. A reception was given by the bride's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deaver of Stuarts Draft at their home.

Following a wedding trip to Richmond, the couple resides at Rt. 1, Fishersville. Mrs. Coeyman is a graduate of Wilson Memorial High School and Valley Vocational-Technical Center, secretarial department. Mr.

Coeyman attended Fishersville High School and served in the Army. He is employed by Maple Lawn Dairy and is engaged in farming. Tokyo police list ways to check juvenile suicide TOKYO (AP) The Tokyo metropolitan police department has published and distributed 10,000 copies of a booklet entitled Ten Rules in the Prevention of Juvenile Suicides." Faced with a rising number of youngsters taking their own A Lovelier You GAIN WEIGHT AND CHARM By Mary Sue Miller When health is normal, underweight is usually the result of under -eating. But that's not alwavs so. Sometimes a slim person seems to cat more than she should vet still fails to gain.

If such describes your personal plight, you'll have to do a bit of sleuthing in SherlockHolmes style to discover the cause. Why not get off 10 good start by following this line of investigation: vour diet well balanced? If you eat in a haphazard fashion. vou'll always be a bonv type. The habit IS 50 nutritionally valueless. there's no health or gain in la 15 Even though sweets as well as tried and starchy foods have a reputation for building weight.

overages cannot be recommended. Neither the digestion nor the complexion can handle excesses. VOL cal between-meal snacks? You should. but remember. keep them simple--of the milk -and-graham-cracker varies Otherwise.

you could spoil your appetite for the three square meals a das that form the basics of weight gains. re vou a fidgeter' Nerves and hustle are big contributors to underweight. They drain away so much energy that your food used to keep you going instead of gaining weight. To offset the drain. sou require nine hours of sleep, several short rest periods during the day.

and regular but mild outdoor exercise. Equally vital: Develop a calm approach. It isn't easy, but a successtul ettort helps assure a rise in weight--in charm, too. SECRETS OF A LOVELY FIGURE What's your figure problem? To achieve total attractiveness send for my booklet, Secrets of a Lovely Figure. It contains easy ways to reduce weight and proportions; to overcome grooming problems, such as fuzz, freckles and blemishes; to move with grace and poise.

For your copy, write to Mary Sue Miller in care of The Staunton Leader Papers, Box 59, Staunton, Va. 24401. Enclose a long, selfaddressed, stamped envelope and 25 cents in coin. Field Enterprise, 1978 PHOTO SPECIAL 8x10 IN LIVING COLOR FREE No age limit Limit 1 Per Person One Special Per Family Singles or Groups Taken DATE: AUG. 16, 1978 PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS: 10 A.M.

Til 5 P.M. PLACE: PARKER'S CRAIGSVILLE, IGA VA. Photo's By Honey Portraits Victor and Danielle, Christine and Kenny Wine, G. C. and Judy Ashby, Mr.

and Mrs. Weldon Botkin and Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Eavers, Ella and Matthew, Mr. and Mrs.

Jerry F. Eavers and Jeff, Arbutus Bishop, Doug, Cindy and Cristina Swisher, all of Staunton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Eavers, Sue and Doug, Jerry W.

Eavers, Ms. Carol Howdyshell, all of Verona; Ms. Bettie Berry, Ms. Norma Berry and Mr. and Mrs.

Doug Morris, all of Deerfield; Ms. Sue Berry Armstrong, Cheryl and Atley, and Vaughn Ashby, all of Churchville; Ms. Peggy Clinedinst, Tonya and Kathy Van Fossen and Allen and Marie Simmons, all of Fishersville. Grant, Jane and Melody Simmons from Waynesboro; Mr. and Mrs.

Leroy Propst, Faith and Sandy and Jr. of Mt. Sidney; Mr. and Mr. Tom Eavers, John David and Pam of Swoope; Beth Atwell of McLean; Barry and Bradley Cox, Mr.

and Mr. Max Dove, Melody, Douglas and Time, Vern Michael, Ms. Mary Jane Moyers, all of Harrisonburg. Durwood and Holly Michael of Harrisonburg, Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Jon Paul B. Huffman, Jon Mr. B. Cook, and Tim all of Grottoes; Ms.

Debby Bond of Bristol; Willadene Back of Fort Defiance; Kenneth Leach of Fairfax and Jeff and Linda Cornelius of Arizona. DR. AND MRS. CLARENCE E. SWINK Couple celebrates 50th anniversary Dr.

and Mrs. Clarence E. Swink of Swoope celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently with a dinner at Angus Steak House. They were married Aug. 4, 1928, in Fairmont, Minn.

Mrs. Swink is the former Ruth Olson of Dunnell, Minn. Dr. Swink is formerly from Fonda, Iowa. Mrs.

Swink is a homemaker and a retired LPN. Dr. Swink 'Back to College' page slated for publication The Staunton Leader Papers again this year are planning publication of a "back-to-college" page in September. Staunton area persons who desire to be listed on the page should submit the following information: Students name and address, college, university or other school of higher education with city and state. This material may be sent to the women's department at The Staunton Leader Papers, P.O.

Box 59, Staunton, 24401, or brought in person to the newspaper office. No subsequent listings are expected to be published. is a retired supervisor from the USDA. He received his DVM from Iowa State University. The couple reside in Swoope where they've lived for the past 18 years.

The following guests attended: Mrs. Lois Petcavage, daughter of the couple and her children, Paul and Ann Marie of Charlottesville; Mr. and Mrs. James R. Larkin, and daughter, Patti of Crested Butte, and Mr.

and Mrs. John N. Petrin, and son, John, of Woodbridge, sons-in-law and daughters of the couple. Also, Dr. and Mrs.

Walter L. Graves of Lovettsville. Mrs. Jared Close, one; red: Mrs. Mynes and Mrs.

Patterson, two; Mrs. Fauber, four; Mrs. Whitmore, three; and Mrs. Borthwick, one; yellow: Mrs. Clemmer, one.

lives, the department decided to give parents guidance in preventing such action. Two of the main points in the booklet are "don't ignore signs of and "don't make your children feel isolated." The booklet was prepared by the adolescent psychological research group in the city's police department, and has been distributed to parents in the Tokyo area. "Parents are becoming more unaware of what their children are thinking about," said Shinichi Udagawa, head of the research group, in an interview. "The root cause of increasing cases of suicide by youths rests simply with the parents' sheer ignorance of changes in the remarks and behavior of children." Statistics show that last year 780 Japanese under the age of 19 killed themselves. Nationwide, that was actually a slight drop from 801 in 1976, but in Tokyo the figure jumped to 115 from 57 in the preceding year, and that is the reason the metropolitan police department is disturbed.

Udagawa's 40-member group, made up of juvenile guidance officers and 10 psychologists, studied suicide notes and behavorial patterns of young people who took their own lives. went through 300 juvenile suicide cases and found in virtually every one youngsters had shown some signs of the tragedy two to three weeks in advance," he said. The research group found that more than 90 percent left a note hinting at suicide in textbooks, on calendars or other items in their rooms. "But few parents are aware of such pre-suicide indications," Udagawa said. "They are too busy to notice them.

Instead they carelessly give strict instructions for study or other behavior." The 48-year-old head of the research group said the booklet stressed that "parents should manage to spare more time for heart -to -heart com- Future event THURSDAY The Deep Country Garden Club will meet with Mrs. A. J. Mehler at 1:30 p.m. Spooked by the thought of serving gum and candy to a crowd of young hobgoblins this Halloween? Don't fret.

For removing gum from and other heavy materials, carpets, the gummy portion with a piece of ice, and scrape or rub the gum out of the fabric. For chocolate, mix 1 teaspoon mild detergent, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, 1 quart warm water. Apply to spot. Then rinse well with cold water. HALL for Enroll high the school STUART Your education advantages Daughter HALL this year of Now a DEO Day Boarding Students Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 At out ment ment.

of Accredited Stuart is any ideal Splendid Hall or all for college we of sports teach her academic, high your facilities. social school daughter and years. to cultural get Our Non-discriminatory. the develop- environ- most preparatory. Parents and daughters are invited to visit Stuart Hall.

We would like to show you the School, and to tell you in person everything that Stuart Hall can mean to you. Please telephone Ms. Louise M. Velletri for an appointment Director of Va. Telephone (703) 885-0356 munication with children." Back to School -Back to Back to School Back to School 2 Back to AIDS to TEACHER Back 2 1.

From Pre-Cut the Spirit Hays Duplicator Publishing Co. Masters School School MO MATH-SCIENCE-LANGUAGE- Back to SOCIAL STUDIE Back AND MORE 2. "How To" and Material For Bulletin Boards. School Ask For Our Catalogue Back to BEVERLY BOOK CO. to Back 9 W.

Back to Beverley School- Street Back to Back to School 10 N. Back Augusta to School Street School.

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.