Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (2024)

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  • m

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (1)

    we've been told forever that to break-even they needed to sell 5000 model 3s per week.They delivered 4800 per week in the fourth quarter and now they want to discount them by $2,000 per unit. Where's the profit?

  • F

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (2)

    Why Tesla will be the biggest company in the world?
    - Tesla is 12 startup companies in one
    - On energy front, Tesla will be addressing a market that is owned by top 7 out of 10 largest company in the
    world in term of market CAP. And Tesla is disrupting this sector.
    - Energy will be much bigger business than auto business for Tesla in the future.
    - Autobidder SW provides independent power producers, utilities and capital partners the ability to autonomously monetize battery assets.
    - Highly, vertically integrated
    - FSD SW based on vision
    - Design their own self driving Chip and SW
    - 4+ modern with high efficiency Giga factories and more to come
    - Energy storage technology second to none
    - Solar roof not just panels
    - Insurance business
    - The best engineering work force in the world
    - Addressing a multi trillion dollar market (TAM).
    - A visionary and innovative CEO of all time and first principle thinker.
    - Multi year product road map and vision
    - $20 billion cash on balance sheet and profitable in last 5 quarters
    - Safest car on the market
    - Highest demand with best customer satisfaction for their product
    - Projected 50% volume growth for foreseeable future
    - Strong product roadmap
    - Laser focused and executing at high velocity
    Remember, DO NOT bet against Mr. Musk, he is a rocket lander.
    Think long, stay calm, ignore short term noises and enjoy the ride up.

  • X

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (3)

    The favorite narrative is that Musk is environment-friendly, and that EVs are "zero-emission", however, there's a largely untold (or dismissed) story about how unfriendly the mining of battery ingredients are for the environment as well as Tesla's choice of battery ingredients. With every decision there's a plus and a minus. And conveniently leaving these CO2 emissions out of the calculations are necessary to promote this false zero-emissions story. Moreover, The CO2 emissions from mining for these ingredients is a CO2 incursion not applicable to ICE vehicles. It's been told that the total construction of EVs (mining for battery ingredients included) coming off the assembly line (before having driven a mile) have emitted more CO2 emissions than a comparable ICE vehicle coming off the assembly line, and that it takes a number of years of comparable driving before the total CO2 emissions of an EV vehicle finally falls below that of an ICE vehicle (yes, of course, the burning of gas is highly CO2 emissive too). I'm sure there's other sources of CO2 emissions in the construction of an EV, but here's a few to consider:
    - High CO2 emissions from mining for Lithium
    - High CO2 emissions from mining for the extra 350% copper required for building an EV
    - High CO2 emissions from mining for other battery ingredients
    - the choice of Aluminum in batteries vs Manganese results in a higher risk of battery catching on fire, which is also highly CO2 emissive. Tesla cars catching on fire remains one of the most common complaints (including by Chinese consumers as recently as January 2021)
    - Choosing to leave Cobalt out of the battery, although it preserves a rare mineral and saves money, it also increases the chance of a battery fire, which, again, is a highly CO2 emissive event
    - Choosing to include Aluminum in Tesla batteries, though it results in higher range and increased risk of fires, it also results in a lower car lifespan, meaning Tesla owners will be either buying cars more frequently, or replacing the battery. Its been reported that 8 years is a rarely achieved lifespan for Tesla EV batteries, and replacing one not only costs @ $16,000 but it incurs another set of high CO2 emissions from building yet another battery. I, as many of us have, owned and drove one ICE for 25 years. Hypothetically, if I had instead owned a Tesla during that stretch, the associated CO2 emissions incurred would be for three Tesla batteries, not one.

  • j

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (4)

    TESLA earnings in a couple of weeks and Elon visibility on Q4 and 2021. I think Elon will announce that he expects to beat the 500,000 projection for 2020 and also project 800,000 for 2021. If TESLA could beat all estimates during the horrible Covid downturn, he should be able to beat projections for 2021. Think about it? Follow the daily progress at GigaShanghai, the progress at GigaBerlin and at GigaTexas and you will realize that 2021 could be the year of geometric increase in revenue, margins and earnings. Don't forget the news battery and the 100,000 pound Stamping machine which will increase margins and lower cost of Tesla products.

  • P

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (5)

    Tesla just announced they blew Q1 deliveries out of the water. 180,336 vs. "expert" consensus of 168,000. That's 7.3% better than anyone predicted, and that's with chip shortages and other hiccups.

  • Well this was certainly an interesting day. Tesla stock was up $7.00 with over 2.3 million shares traded in the first 35 minutes. This obviously was due to shorts covering. After the initial up swing, the stock started heading back down. Fortunately it only was off .49 for the day.

    Elon made an interesting comment stating Tesla had enough orders to break the 4th quarter record but was unsure the sales could be completed by the end of the quarter. This creates an interesting question, while previously he stated they had received 50,000 new orders, what ever happened to the 400,000 orders Tesla had previously been reporting? Since Tesla recently announced the pricing for model 3's in China and supposedly started taking orders for them, how many of those new orders were for the as yet producing Chinese Model 3's?

    There have been some postings on this board that basically highlighted Tesla's technological lead in battery technology. Well that's interesting since Tesla doesn't have any. There was a recent article stating that Tesla was interested in being able to produce their own batteries. The Reno factory is a joint venture between Tesla and Panasonic and based upon Panasonic's decision NOT to invest to expand the Reno factory one could surely speculate that all is not right with the arrangement. In addition, since Tesla has reportedly signed contracts to have a Chinese manufacturer provide them with the batteries for that plant it would appear that they have some serious concerns with Tesla.

    Anyway, my projections for Tesla's 2nd quarter results and sells of 84,000 vehicles and total revenue of $5.8 billion. The bigger question has got to be how big of a loss is Tesla going to report? They raised $2.7 billion in May from selling additional stock and bonds. However, it cost them $400 million in expenses to raise that additional capital. So another question has got to be how are they going to expense the costs of raising that additional capital? If they just expense it, then their loss for the second quarter is going to be close to 1 billion dollars.

  • B

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (7)

    From Tesla.com: (after spending a weekend actually thinking through the consequences of our last announcement, it dawned to us that we cannot simply cancel the store leases without significant penalty. So here it is....

    Last month, we announced that we would be winding down many of our stores and moving to online-only sales in order to pass the savings along to our customers.

    Over the past two weeks we have been closely evaluating every single Tesla retail location, and we have decided to keep significantly more stores open than previously announced as we continue to evaluate them over the course of several months. When we recently closed 10% of sales locations, we selected stores that didn’t invite the natural foot traffic our stores have always been designed for. These are stores that we would have closed anyway, even if in-store sales made up our entire sales model. A few stores in high visibility locations that were closed due to low throughput will be reopened, but with a smaller Tesla crew. In addition, there are another 20% of locations that are under review, and depending on their effectiveness over the next few months, some will be closed and some will remain open.

    As a result of keeping significantly more stores open, Tesla will need to raise vehicle prices by about 3% on average worldwide. In other words, we will only close about half as many stores, but the cost savings are therefore only about half.

    Potential Tesla owners will have a week to place their order before prices rise, so current prices are valid until March 18th. There will be no price increase to the $35,000 Model 3. The price increases will only apply to the more expensive variants of Model 3, as well as Model S and X.

    To be clear, all sales worldwide will still be done online, in that potential Tesla owners coming in to stores will simply be shown how to order a Tesla on their phone in a few minutes. And the generous return policy of 1000 miles or 7 days, whichever comes first, should alleviate the need for most test drives. However, cars will still be available for test drives at stores at the potential Tesla owner’s request. Stores will also carry a small number of cars in inventory for customers who wish to drive away with a Tesla immediately.

  • B

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (8)

    Say what you want Shorts but reality speaks for itself.

    When I drive around I see about 10 Tesla to 1 other EV like Toyota Prius. I have not seen Ford or VW EV yet.

    I try to put in order for model Y last Sunday and the wait list for delivery is 3 months out. Also, everyone I talked to is waiting for infrastructure bill to pass so they can leverage $10k EV credits. My friends are on long waiting list for the Truck and that will be a bonus when it comes out.

    That’s the reality and what we can expect Q2 numbers will look like.
    It’s going to be a huge year for Tesla.

  • W

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (9)

    Guys, I'm not going to look at the fundamentals anymore. I'm just going to add every CEO's Twitter account and base my investments on their tweets...

  • K

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (10)

    Free lakefront property on Mars to the next 60,000 buyers <==== launches expected to start next year
    The rockets are all built just need to complete the software and get regulatory approvals.

  • S

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (11)

    Today is the day my portfolio breaks 1 million.

  • R

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (12)

    The majority of Level 4 autonomous vehicle developers who believe in the necessity of lidar say its value lies in the fact that it provides another layer of sensor redundancy and diversity, on top of cameras and radar. Even Nissan radically diverges from Tesla's Autopilot sensor strategy, by including four side-mounted millimeter radar units that provide 360 degree redundant and diverse sensor capabilities for highway-only automation whereas Tesla's single forward-mounted radar keeps its system completely reliant on cameras for all but the forward quadrant. Without even discussing Tesla's extremely ambitious "Full Self-Driving" aspirations, this shows that Nissan takes a much more thorough approach to sensor diversity and redundancy for limited-domain, highway-only, human-in-the-loop systems than Tesla.

  • T

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (13)

    Tesla headwinds - I have been talking about China and autopilot for many months now.
    - China, were Tesla expected to sell 30-40% of global sales, has turned sour. Govt doesn't need Tesla any more and is squeezing it out. Q1 - Q2 saw a sales drop 69k-61k. Will plummet further in Q3.
    - Autopilot regulatory oversight is increasing with new NHTSA rules and as deaths increase will be forced to act. Like in China expect more challenges, especially with Vision only, radar removal.
    - remember Tesla has charged customers over $1B for autopilot over last 4years with nothing to show for it. SEC could act.
    - Design corner cutting is coming up with Plaid fire. Lack of 4680 forced a quick switch to small cells pack. Bag of potatoes - causing fire.
    - 4680 issues - puts cybertruck in jeopardy unless Tesla does a quick change to large format $GM, $F, $VWAG style batteries.
    Continues misteps by $TSLA give competition including $NIO and $XPEV a chance to do better.

    Negative Q2 and poor Q3-Q4 sales is likely.

  • N

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (14)

    New acronym for 2022- TAAN

    Tesla, Apple, AMD and Nvidia

  • S

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (15)

    If TSLA was smart, they would do a secondary offering right now to capitalize on this bubble.

  • S

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (16)

    PG&E and Tesla break ground on energy storage project
    Jul. 29, 2020 12:22 PM ETPG&E Corporation (PCG)By: Clark Schultz, SA News Editor14 Comments
    After landing approval earlier this year, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (NYSE:PCG) and Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) began construction of a 182.5-megawatt lithium-ion battery energy storage system at PG&E's electric substation in Monterey County.
    The system will be designed, constructed, and maintained by both companies, but owned and operated by PG&E. It includes installation of 256 Tesla Megapack battery units on 33 concrete slabs. Transformers and switchgears will also be installed along with the Megapacks to connect energy stored in the batteries with the 115 kilovolt electric transmission system.

  • S

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (17)

    "Tesla updates battery software after fires"....People are going to learn the hard way that not everything can be fixed with "software updates". These are still cars with lots of physical parts and critical high amperage electrical connections that don't tolerate corrosion and vibration well.

  • T

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (18)

    $TSLA all the "pro analyst " saying that tesla trades like a tech stock and should trade like a car manufacturer...well, seems like my money has been in a lot better hands in Tesla than the tech I own. Apple hasn't done anything all year. Same with Amazon. Google is up a bit. Best is miscrosoft but doesn't move like Tesla has.

  • M

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (19)

    I just must respond to FLAFA who keeps mindlessly posting Tesla's PR talking points:

    1. Tesla - 12 startup companies in one. Blah, blah, blah.. every car company has multiple revenue streams - car sales, service, warranties, financing, partnerships, parts, paints, etc. BMW makes everything from boats to wheelchairs. Honda makes motorcycles and jets. Hyundai makes trains, ships and subway cars. The list goes on. Tesla is not somehow unique for being a production "conglomerate".

    2. Tesla is in the energy market.... blah, blah, blah... so are 100 other companies, producing everything from dams, wind, solar, solar panels, roofs, batteries, oil, gas, blah, blah, blah. Highly competitive market.

    3. Solar roof not just panels. blah, blah, blah... .VERY EXPENSIVE... VERY, VERY, VERY expensive. Solar panels are cheaper to install, easier to replace and much, much cheaper to insure.

    4. Tesla home HVAC. blah, blah, blah... no shortage of HVAC companies whose solutions can plug right into conventional or renewable energy source.

    5. Robotaxi - a concept at this time at most. We can't even seriously talk about this unti Telsa's on FSD stop crashing into stop vehicles at high speed.

    6. FSD. A $11,000+ option that even most Tesla car buyers can't afford. The subscription service is just the "$1 bargin bin" to find another way to sell something most buyers can't afford. On top of all that, again - it keeps crashing into things. Still a long way to go on this.

    7. 4 modern giga factories with more to come. This is actually Tesla's disadvantage - lack of manufacturing facilities. GM, VW, Toyota and other companies have way more facilities. As far as "more to come" - Tesla has the money but chose to put it into bitcoin rather than more gigafactories... so apparently at this time there is no need for more gigafactories.

    8. Multi year product road-map. Every successful company has

    9. Best engineering work force in the world. Meh - totally subjective.

    10. Projected 50% growth for forseeable future. blah, blah, blah... maybe - but that is already priced into the stock.

    11. Profitable last 5 quarters. HA - only because of carbon credits and bitcoin.

    12. Strong product roadmap. This is just another way of saying they don't currently have an affordable car, or a truck. Personally I think an affordable sedan should have been placed before the semi and roadster.

    13. Laser focused. Really?? I'll say that again, really??? Flamethrowers, bitcoin, hover jets for the roadster... a semi that is years behind schedule?


    Yes, Musk is a genius and a motivated, clever business person. Yes, Tesla is a good company with great products. But it's just blah, blah, blah to parrot back their talking points - all of which are currently why the company has an insane PE ratio. Everything, including the kitchen sink are priced in. Now it is time for Tesla to PERFORM - to make money on real products, not just carbon credits. Blah, blah, blah...

  • C

    Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (20)

    It will push $10eps next year. P/E today means nothing. Just a scare tactic. Most people on this Board don't read anything but headlines. If you took the time, you'd know they pushed Musk's annual salary ahead several quarters which hurt this quarter but will help later. They absorbed expenses on vehicles without offsetting sales which actually reduced COGs even though it was still an impressive improvement. And then there's the stock based compensation that was also way higher than expected but will be reduced in later quarters. All you can talk about is energy credits and Bitcoin. So, all of the EV makers get the credits and I don't see anyone complaining about share buybacks as a means of boosting EPS. Other companies do it routinely. Selling some Bitcoin strategically is the same strategy. It's a good business practice. Besides they earned the money to but $1B in Bitcoin in the first place. They had a good quarter, not great. They're developing a new company and multiple other businesses simultaneously. Their PE is coming down as their earnings are growing. It will likely be below 100 next year assuming production gets rolling and the other businesses continue development. It's a good story in the making but still needs to prove out. People said the same about Amazon when it started.

Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (2024)
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