Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (2025)

Quick Links

  • Tutorial

  • Duel Restart

  • Duel Training

  • The Absolute Monarch

  • The Warriors Of The Six Elemental Lords

  • Ruin And Demise

  • The Mystery Of The Megalith

  • The Pyroxene Warriors

  • The Glory Of The Gladiator Beasts

  • Studying The Origins Of The Karakuri

  • Specter Slaying Flames

  • Gears Of Justice Dispatch!

  • Digital Bugs In Cyberspace

  • The Steam Dinosaurs Of Unchartered Lands

  • The Colossal Mechanical Conch

  • The Legend Of The Star Heroes

  • Enforcers Of Justice

  • The Fairies Who Paint The Weather

  • The Herald's Guidance

  • Indomitable Warriors Of Unwavering Loyalty

  • The Danger Files

  • Worshippers Of The Sacred Phoenix

  • The Invincible Beetroopers

  • We The Merry Plunder Patrol

  • The Tribe Of The Abyssal Waters

  • Dark, Dead Vengeance

  • Dream Domination

  • Delightful Dwellers Of Darkness

  • Legend Of The Starry Dragon

  • Myutant Mutation

  • The Rikka Fairies Descend

  • Wicked Dragon Of The Hidden City

  • SP Deck Challenge

  • SP Deck Challenge 2

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel sets itself apart from other digital TCGs through its huge amount of single-player content. They help you learn the basics of the game, the more advanced concepts that can be scary to newcomers, and even look into the lore of the cards depicted on them.

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Cross-Platform Guide: How To Transfer Accounts, Add Friends, And Host Games

They're also a fantastic way to get a lot of goodies and rewards. Even if you know Yu-Gi-Oh! in and out, completing all the single-player missions can net you a ton of gems, cards, and cosmetics.

Updated May 5, 2023 by Joe Parlock: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel's newest Solo Gate focuses on the underground nightmares of the Subterrors archetype. This flip-heavy deck has you turning massive monsters face-down and face-up to give you an advantage. The Solo Gate gives you a good foundation for a Subterror deck, so it's worth seeing if you dig this new strategy.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (1)

The tutorial introduces you to the absolute basics of Yu-Gi-Oh! dueling before you get into the game itself. Summoning monsters, attacking, life points, and setting cards are all explained here. Keep in mind any cosmetic rewards are in bold.



Practice Mission #1

Gems (x500)

Practice Mission #2

Starting Deck Structure Deck


Gems (x500) and your pick of one of three Structure Decks

Duel Restart

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (2)

The Duel Restart gate is designed to get you more acquainted with the basics of duelling, before you take on the harder story-focused gates.

The gate goes over things like summoning and setting monsters, spells and trap cards, and the phases of a turn, before challenging you to a freeform duel to master what you've learned.



Practice Mission #1

Gene-Warped Warwolf (x3)

Practice Mission #2

Mage Power (x3)

Practice Mission #3

Blind Spot Strike (x3)

Practice Mission #4

Raigeki Break (x3)

Duel #1

Gems (x200)


Normal Monster Card Mate's Base

Duel Training

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (3)

Duel Strategy is a campaign that explains more advanced concepts of Yu-Gi-Oh!, split between two different Dual Strategy gates.

The rewards for each mission vary. Many are cards, but there are also a few cosmetics, like Field Parts that decorate your game screen, and a Mate mascot that cheers you in while duelling. The Practice missions also give you a lot of gems.

Duel Strategy 1

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (4)

The one track of practice missions explains four types of Special Summoning: Synchro, Link, Pendulum, and Xyz. If you played Yu-Gi-Oh! a long time ago and want to catch up with what's been added since then, this campaign is a great way to be introduced to newer mechanics.



Duel #1

Raigeki (x1)

Duel #2

Monster Reborn (x1)

Duel #3

Marmiting Captain (x3)

Duel #4

Reinforcement of the Army (x1)

Duel #5

Destruction Jammer (x3)

Duel #6

Trap Hole Field Parts


Sangan Mate

Practice #1

Gems (x600)

Practice #2

Gems (x600)

Practice #3

Gems (x600)

Practice #4

Gems (x600)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Best Shaddoll Cards

Duel Strategy 2

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (5)

A track introduced in the May 2022 update, Duel Strategy 2 goes more in-depth on specific aspects of duels. Things like the battle phase, types of damage, and special summoning.

Unlike the first Duel Strategy track, Duel Strategy 2 doesn't have any freeform duels to practice in. Instead, it is entirely comprised of the more structured practice duel missions to ensure you really understand the concepts being introduced.



Practice #1

Mausoleom of the Emperor (x3)

Practice #2

Dig of Destiny (x3)

Practice #3

Tremendous Fire (x3)

Practice #4

Interdimensional Matter Transporter (x3)

Practice #5

Gems (x100)

Practice #6

Ghosts from the Past (x3)

Practice #7

The Rock Spirit (x3)

Practice #8

Performapal Bubblebowwow (x3)

Practice #9

Linkerbell (x3)

Practice #10

Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter (x3)


Book of Moon Mate

The Absolute Monarch

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (6)

The first of two story campaigns available as soon as you complete the tutorial, The Absolute Monarch dives into the backstory of the popular Monarch archetype. This campaign sets out the format of all those after, and will walk you through how to play the archetype. In particular, Monarchs are very heavy in Tribute Summoning (sacrificing your own monsters to summon bigger ones).

In all the archetype campaigns, Duel Missions give you different rewards depending on if you use the loaner deck supplied to you or your own. Some missions will also reward you with orbs. Orbs are used to unlock additional tracks in each campaign, which can give you better reward and exclusive cosmetics. However, orbs aren't rewarded in order, so you'll have to come back later once you've earned orbs in one campaign to unlock the extra missions in another.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Escalation of the Monarchs (x3)


ORB-EARTH (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-DARK (x150)

Delg the Dark Monarch (x3)


Emergence of the Monarchs Structure Deck

Duel #2

ORB-DARK (x250)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Erebus the Underworld Monarch Icon

Gems (x200)

The Warriors Of The Six Elemental Lords

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (7)

The second story deck focuses on the Elemental Lords archetype, which is focused on controlling and using your graveyard with the Elementsaber ability.

Like The Absolute Monarch, The Warriors of the Six Elemental Lords will guide you in how to use the deck, before throwing you into some open-ended duels to prove what you've learned.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Elementsaber Molehu (x3)


ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-FIRE (x150)

Elementsaber Lapauila


Umbramirage the Elemental Lord (x3)

Duel #2

Phosphorage the Elemental Lord (x3)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Elementsaber Lapauila Mana Icon

Gems (x200)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Must-Craft SR Cards

Ruin And Demise

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (8)

Ruin and Demise is the first of many campaigns that show up on your Solo menu after completing the Goal mission in The Absolute Monarch. However, it will only be accessible after completing the Goal mission for The Warriors of the Six Elemental Lords.

The campaign focuses on the Ruin, Queen of Oblivion and Demise, King of Armageddon archetype. Using lots of ritual summoning, you're meant to flip between these two to cause massive damage to your opponent.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Ritual Foregone (x3)


ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Urgent Ritual Art (x3)


Being Who Sees the End of the World Structure Deck

Duel #2

Ritual Raven Mate

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon Icon

Gems (x200)

The Mystery Of The Megalith

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (9)

Both the Mystery of the Megalith and the Pyroxene Warriors campaigns unlock once you have cleared the Goal mission of Ruin and Demise.

Mystery of the Megalith goes into the Megalith archetype, which chains together ritual summons to bring out increasingly powerful statue-like monsters.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Megalith Hagith (x3)


ORB-WIND (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Earth Chant (x3)


Megalith Phaleg (x3)

Duel #2

Megalith Och (x3)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Megalith Aratron Icon

Gems (x200)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Card Crafting Guide

The Pyroxene Warriors

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (10)

Both the Mystery of the Megalith and the Pyroxene Warriors campaigns unlock once you have cleared the Goal mission of Ruin and Demise.

Gem-Knights are a popular archetype that uses a lot of Fusion monsters to make powerful Gem-themed warriors. Surprisingly, Gem-Knights debuted in Yu-Gi-Oh! three years before Steven Universe.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Gem-Knight Lapis (x3)


ORB-FIRE (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-EARTH (x150)

Gem-Merchant (x3)


Gem-Knights' Resolution StructureDeck

Duel #2

Fusion Conscription (x3)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Gem-Knight Master Diamond Icon

Gems (x200)

The Glory Of The Gladiator Beasts

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (11)

The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts, Studying the Origins of the Karakuri, and Gears of Justice dispatch! all unlock once you've completed both the Mystery of the Megalith and Pyroxene Warriors' Goal missions.

Gladiator Beast decks are all about returning your monsters back into your deck after battle in order to special summon much bigger ones.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


ORB-EARTH (x150)


ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-WIND (x150)

ORB-DARK (x150)


Roar of the Gladiator Beasts Structure Deck

Duel #2

ORB-FIRE (x250)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Gladiator Beast Domitianus Icon

Gems (x200)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Best Cards To Beat Combo Decks

Studying The Origins Of The Karakuri

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (12)

The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts, Studying the Origins of the Karakuri, and Gears of Justice dispatch! all unlock once you've completed both the Mystery of the Megalith and Pyroxene Warriors' Goal missions.

The Karakuri are an archetype focused on Syncrho summoning. The catch is more Karakuri monsters have to attack when they're able to, and also switch to Defense position whenever they're attack. In exchange, there are lots of effects that activate when they switch between positions.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Karakuri Spider (x3)


ORB-FIRE (x150)

Duel #1

Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro" (x3)

Eliminating the League (x3)


ORB-EARTH (x150)

Duel #2

Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro" Icon

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu" Icon

Gems (x200)

Specter Slaying Flames

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (13)

To unlock this mission, you must clear the Goal mission for Studying the Origins of the Karakuri.

As if befitting an archetype focused on exorcists, Shiranui is all about banishing Zombies to get an advantage. It's also a very Synchro Summon-heavy deck.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


ORB-DARK (x150)


ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-FIRE (x150)

Free-Range Monsters (x3)


Heir to the Shiranui-Style Structure Deck

Duel #2

ORB-DARK (x250)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Shiranui Sunsaga Icon

Gems (x200)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Must-Craft UR Cards

Gears Of Justice Dispatch!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (14)

The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts, Studying the Origins of the Karakuri, and Gears of Justice dispatch! all unlock once you've completed both the Mystery of the Megalith and Pyroxene Warriors' Goal missions.

The Geargia Monsters archetype is focused on swarming the field, as each Geargia monster is excellent at pulling each other out of your deck. They can then combine into powerful Xyz Summons, like Gear Gigant X.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Geargiano (x3)


ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #1

Geargiano Mk-II (x3)

Geargiattacker (x3)


ORB-EARTH (x150)

Duel #2

Geargiano Icon

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Geargiagear Gigant XG Icon

Gems (x200)

Digital Bugs In Cyberspace

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (15)

Digital Bug In Cyberspace is unlocked when the Goal mission of Gears of Justice dispatch! is cleared.

Digital Bug has some similarities to both the Karakuri and Geargia archetypes. Like Geargia, it's an Xyz Summoning-focused archetype that likes to flood the board, but like the Karakuri it has a heavy Defense-position-matters theme.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Howling Insect (x3)


ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #1

Bug Matrix (x3)

Self-Destruct Ant (x3)


Growing Digital Bug Structure Deck

Duel #2

Bug Matrix Mate's Base

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Digital Bug Rhinosebus Icon

Gems (x200)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Which First Structure Deck Should You Choose?

The Steam Dinosaurs Of Unchartered Lands

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (16)

Both The Legend of the Star Heroes and The Steam Dinosaurs of Unchartered Lands are unlocked when the Studying the Origins of the Karakuri and Gears of Justice dispatch! Goal missions are cleared.

Dinomists are a cool archetype of robotic dinosaurs. It's a fast and aggressive deck that Pendulum Summons multiple, powerful Dinomist monsters out onto the field at the same time.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Dinomist Stegosaur (x3)


ORB-EARTH (x150)

Duel #1

Dinomist Plesios (x3)

Dinomist Brachion (x3)


ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #2

Dinomist Eruption (x3)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Dinomist Rex Icon

Gems (x200)

The Colossal Mechanical Conch

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (17)

The Colossal Mechanical Conch is unlocked when The Steam Dinosaurs of Unchartered Lands' Goal mission is cleared.

Qli (also known as Qliphort) is another archetype that uses Pendulum Summoning. However, it goes one step further than the Dinomists and uses the Pendulum Summoned monsters to then Tribute Summon into even bigger things. There are also lots of effects that activate when the monsters are Tributed.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Qliphort Shell (x3)


ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #1

Qliphort Cephalopod (x3)

Frontline Observer (x3)


ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #2

Qliphort Monolith Mate

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Apoqliphort Towers Icon

Gems (x200)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: The Best Hand Traps

The Legend Of The Star Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (18)

The Legend of the Star Heroes and The Steam Dinosaurs of Unchartered Lands are unlocked when Studying the Origins of the Karakuri and Gears of Justice dispatch! Goal missions are cleared.

This is the only campaign to have more than one chapter, and is by far the longest campaign in the game. Each chapter has more missions than any other (though a lot of them are Scenario cutscenes), and it serves as something of a 'final boss' for the solo mode.

World Chalice was one of the game's earliest archetypes built around Link Summoning. By tributing the right number of Link Levels, you can bring out increasingly more powerful Link Monsters, which can then be protected with other cards in the deck.

Chosen By The World Legacy

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (19)

The first chapter of The Legend of Star Heroes is available as soon as you complete Studying the Origins of the Karakuri and Gears of Justice dispatch!'s Goal missions.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

World Chalice Guardragon (x3)

Scenario #2

Lee the World Chalice Fairy (x3)

Practice #1

ORB-EARTH (x150)

Duel #1

Ib the World Chalice Priestess

Imduk the World Chalice Dragon (x3)

Scenario #3

World Legacy Discovery

Scenario #4

World Legacy's Heart

Duel #2

Auram the World Chalice Blademaster (x3)

Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior (x3)


World Legacy – "World Chalice" (x3)

Duel #3

Auram the World Chalice Blademaster Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #4

Auram the World Chalice Blademaster Icon

Gems (x200)

Practice #2

ORB-EARTH (x250)

Duel #5

X-Krawler Synaphysis Icon

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Gift Of The Martyr

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (20)

The final campaign in the solo mode so far, Gift of the Martyr continues the story set up by Chosen by the World Legacy. You must have completed Chosen by the World Legacy's Goal mission to unlock it.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

World Legacy Landmark (x3)

Duel #1

World Legacy Trap Globe (x3)

World Legacy Clash (x3)

Scenario #2

World Legacy – "World Armor" (x3)

Scenario #3

World Legacy Succession (x3)

Scenario #4

Mekk-Knight Avram

Duel #2

World Legacy's Corruption

World Legacy – "World Shield" (x3)


World Legacy Awakens (x3)


ORB-EARTH (x250)

Duel #3

World Legacy Ruins Duel Field

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #4

Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme Icon

Gems (x200)

Duel #5

World Chalice Guardragon Mate

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #6

Knightmare Gryphon Icon

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

The Secret Powers Of The Planet

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (21)

The third instalment of The Legend Of Star Heroes begins a new story, following Auram and his friends as they take on the Orcust. To unlock this mission, you'll need to have cleared Gift of the Martyr.

This missions focus on two archetype related to World Legacy known as Crusadia. Crusadia focuses on special summoning monsters into zones pointed to by Link monsters, and then building them up enough to take out your opponent in a single turn.

Meanwhile, Orcust is a Graveyard recursion archetype that banishes Orcust monsters from your Graveyard in order to special summon even more powerful ones. However, the catch is many of the Orcust effects stop you from summoning anything but Dark-attribute monsters, forcing you to stick to one type only.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

Crusadia Maximus (x3)

Scenario #2

Crusadia Maximus Protector

Scenario #3

ORB-FIRE (x150)

Scenario #4

ORB-WATER (x150)

Scenario #5

ORB-EARTH (x150)

Scenario #6

Crusadia Revival (x3)

Scenario #7

ORB-DARK (x150)

Scenario #8

Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator Protector

Practice #1

ORB-AIR (x150)

Dual #1

Crusadia Vanguard (x3)

World Legacy - "World Crown" (x3)


Orcustrated Attack (x3)

Practice #2

Orcustrated Core (x3)

Duel #2

World Legacy Ruins Mate's Base

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Orcustrion Icon

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Duel #4

World Legacy Ruins Field Parts

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #5

Crusadia Equimax Icon

Gems (x200)

Enforcers Of Justice

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (22)

This campaign focuses on the Lightsworn archetype. Lightsworn is all about self-milling, or putting your own cards from your deck into your graveyard.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin (x3)

Practice #1

ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #1

Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior (x3)

Photon Lead (x3)

Scenario #2

Jenis, Lightsworn Mender (x3)

Practice #2

ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #2

Jain, Twilightsworn General (x3)

Darklight (x3)


Light Spiral (x3)

Duel #3

ORB-LIGHT (x250)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #4

Judgement Dragon Icon

Gems (x200)

Duel #5

ORB-DARK (x250)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #6

Punishment Dragon Icon

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Older Cards Not Available In The Game

The Fairies Who Paint The Weather

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (23)

The Weather is an archetype focused on continuous spells and traps, and places an interesting emphasis on where your creatures are placed on the field.

By placing The Weather monsters in zones adjacent to a Canvas spell or trap card, you can give that monster various effects, such as the ability to halve an opponent's attack with a The Weather Cloudy Canvas.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


ORB-WATER (x150)


ORB-WIND (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-DARK (x150)

Celestial Transformation (x3)


ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #2

ORB-EARTH (x250)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

The Weather Painter Rainbow Icon

Gems (x200)

The Herald's Guidance

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (24)

The Heralds are a ritual summoning-heavy archetype that seeks to control the game by negative spells and effects.

By tributing Fairy monsters in your hand or on the field, you can prevent your opponent from building up a good enough board state.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Herald of Purple Light (x3)


ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #1

Herald of Green Light (x3)

Herald of Pure Light (x3)


ORB-EARTH (x150)

Duel #2

Invincibility Barrier (x3)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Herald of Ultimateness Icon

Gems (x200)

Indomitable Warriors Of Unwavering Loyalty

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (25)

The Six Samurai is an archetype that tries to get as many Samurai monsters on the battlefield at once, and have them synergise to form an oppressive Aggro strategy.

However, instead of just spamming out monsters every turn, Six Samurai tends to use cards that can search your deck for the monsters you need, giving you an element of reliability while also allowing the rest of your deck to be full of useful support cards.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

Shien's Castle of Mist (x3)

Scenario #2

Shien's Footsolder (x3)

Scenario #3

Return of the Six Samurai (x3)

Practice #1

ORB-WIND (x150)

Duel #1

Breakthrough! (x3)


Swift Samurai Storm! (x3)

Duel #2

Shien's Dojo Mate's Base

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Great Shogun Shien Icon

Gems (x200)

The Danger Files

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (26)

Danger! is a bizarre archetype inspired by cryptids like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, and challenges your opponent to try and discard cards from your hand without it benefitting you.

Most Danger! monsters have effects that reveal it and then have your opponent pick a card for you to discard at random. If the card wasn't the Danger! monster you revealed, the monster is special summoned and you draw a card to keep the engine going.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-FIRE (x150)

Scenario #2

Rope of Life (x3)

Practice #1

ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #1

Escape from the Dark Dimension (x3)

Dark Illusion (x3)


Dark Sacrifice (x3)

Duel #2

Danger!? Jackalope? Mate

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Danger! Nessie! Icon

Gem (x200)

Worshippers Of The Sacred Phoenix

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (27)

Nephthys decks are somewhat similar to Magic: The Gathering's Aristocrats decks, in that both happily destroy their own cards for an advantage. It tends to use a lot of FIRE and WIND attribute creatures, combined with deck and hand destruction, to ensure you can maintain an impressive board state.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-WIND (x150)

Practice #1

ORB-WIND (x150)

Duel #1

Ritual Sealing (x3)

Brushfire Knight (x3)


Samsara (x3)

Duel #2

Nephthys, the Sacred Flame Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Nephthys, the Sacred Flame Icon

Gem (x200)

The Invincible Beetroopers

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (28)

Introduced to the TCG in 2021's Dawn of Majesty, Beetroopers are an archetype all about dumping as many different Beetrooper monsters onto the field as possible.

Whether it's through normal summoning, or special summoning multiple Beetroopers at once, they can quickly ramp up into powerful Link and Fusion monsters to close out the game.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward


Beetrooper Light Flapper (x3)

Practice #1

Betrooper Assault Roller (x3)

Duel #1

Heavy Beetrooper Mighty Neptune (x3)

ORB-WIND (x150)


Beetrooper Fly & Sting (x3)

Duel #2

Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Beetrooper Sting Lancer Icon

Gems (x200)

We The Merry Plunder Patrol

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (29)

This band of Troll Pirates are all about putting your crew together by using the conditions of your opponent's monsters against them.

Plunder Patroll loves to disrupt your opponent, and by combining the various -Beard monsters, Link Summoning Blackbeard, and using the crew's three ships, you'll be sure to sail your way to victory.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Scenario #2

ORB-FIRE (x150)


ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #1

Sealing Ceremony of Suiton (x3)

Moray of Greed (x3)


ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #2

Blackbeard, The Plunder Patroll Captain Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Blackbeard, The Plunder Patroll Captain Icon

Gems (x200)

The Tribe Of The Abyssal Waters

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (30)

As you'd expect from a hidden society of mermaids, the Mermail archetype is all about cascading down the levels of monsters to swarm the field.

By curating a deck full of level 3, level 4, and greater Mermails, you can quickly fill the field with angry mermaids, and play off the massive amounts of death triggers to either replenish your forces or bring the pain to your opponent.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Practice #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #1

Spined Gillman (x3)

Lost Blue Breaker (x3)


ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #2

Mermail Abyssmegalo Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Mermail Abysstrite Icon

Gems (x200)

Dark, Dead Vengeance

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (31)

One of the darkest archetypes in all of Yu-Gi-Oh! is Vendread. Focusing on the Revendread Slayer, an undead zombie-slayer who regained sentience after seeing his loved ones die, it's a far cry from some of the goofier archetypes the game offers.

Vendread is all about Ritual Summoning, and then using death triggers and your graveyard to add further value. It's also one of the few archetypes that can Ritual Summon straight from your graveyard, making it much harder for your opponent to stop the big monster summons from happening.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-DARK (x150)

Scenario #2

ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Practice #1

A Hero Emerges (x3)

Duel #1

Zombyra the Dark (x3)

Shuffle Reborn (x3)

Scenario #3

ORB-DARK (x150)

Scenario #4

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #2

Revendread Slayer Protector


ORB-DARK (x15)

Duel #2

Revendread Slayer Icon

Gems (x200)

Dream Domination

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (32)

In one of the bizarrest archetypes in all of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Dream Mirror has you swapping your field between Light and Dark-attribute monsters using two field spells: Dream Mirror Of Joy and Dream Mirror Of Terror.

The deck also features lots of Fairy-type monsters, which makes it gel well with other archetypes, such as one of the Duel challenges' Dream Mirror/Melidious hybrid.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Practice #1

Mirror of Oaths (x3)

Duel #1

Dream Mirror Phantasms Protector

Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor (x3)


ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #2

Gems (x100)

Gems (x100)

Duel #3

Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor Icon

Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking Icon

Delightful Dwellers Of Darkness

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (33)

Ghostrick is an adorably macabre archetype that allows you to throw your favourite Halloween ghoulies at your opponent.

It's also a frightfully versatile archetype, letting you win in a huge number of ways and adapt your gameplan on the fly. Most strategies revolve around using the Ghostrick Mansion field spell to nerf your opponent's damage, dragging out the game long enough to win through anything from straight aggro to milling them out.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-DARK (x150)

Practice #1

ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #1

Reverse Glasses (x3)

Punch-in-the-Box (x3)


ORB-DARK (x150)

Duel #2

Ghostrick Alucard Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Ghostrick Alucard Icon

Gems (x200)

Legend Of The Starry Dragon

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (34)

Starry Knight is one of the most Christmassy archetypes in all of Yu-Gi-Oh!, letting you command an army of angels, snowy dragons, and other festive LIGHT-attributed Monsters.

The deck's main strategy is finding ways to play and then re-play Starry Night, Starry Dragon; which can destroy an opponent's card every time it's played. Once you've cleared the field, your hordes of monsters can send your opponent to a Silent Night.


Loan Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Practice #1

ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #1

Seiyaryu (x3)


ORB-LIGHT (x150)

Duel #2

Starry Night, Starry Dragon Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Starry Night, Starry Dragon Icon

Gems (x200)

Myutant Mutation

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (35)

Myutant is an archetype all about ramping up from low-level psychic Water Monsters, into much larger, more powerful ones through Fusion Summoning.

Myutants have a lot of ways to prevent interaction from your opponent, especially when you've successfully played those bigger extra deck Myutants. By using cards like Myutant Mutator, you can soon throw out Myutant Ultimus, which can easily negate effects by banishing Myutant cards.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Scenario #2

ORB-FIRE (x150)

Practice #1

ORB-WIND (x150)

Duel #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)


Myutant Mutant (x3)

Duel #2

Myutant Mutant Icon

Myutant Ultimus Protector

Duel #3

Myutant BG-88 Icon

Gems (x200)

The Rikka Fairies Descend

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (36)

Rikka is an archetype all about Tributing Monsters for your own benefit. As Teardrop the Rikka Queen's bouquet of flowers suggests, there is a surprising Plant Monster theme to playing Rikkas, meaning you'll want to stock up on them to ensure you always have something to tribute.

The boss monster for this archetype, Teardrop, is an excellent control piece, as it lets you Tribute any Monster each turn – and it's even better if you've already put a Plant Monster under Teardrop as an Xyz Material.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Practice #1

ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #1

Rikka Konkon (x3)

Rikka Princess (x3)


ORB-WATER (x150)

Duel #2

Teardrop the Rikka Queen Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Teardrop the Rikka Queen Icon

Gems (x200)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (37)

Wicked Dragon of the Hidden City introduces you to the Subterror archetype, which focuses on flipping cards between face-up and face-down positions. It's full of cards that have abilities set off by flipping, such as Subterror Behemoth Umasteryx, which can outright banish your opponent's monsters whenever it flips.

It also makes heavy use of The Hidden City, a spell card that search out Subterror monsters, while also giving you an easy way to flip monsters for their abilities, while also negating your opponent's attacks.

Master Duel hadn't played much with flip-heavy archetypes before Subterrors, making this a particularly interesting Solo Gate to play through.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Scenario #1

ORB-FIRE (x150)

Practice #1

Shifting Shadows (x3)

Duel #1

Earthshaker (x3)

D2 Shield (x3)

Scenario #2

ORB-FIRE (x150)


Terrors in the Hidden City (x3)

Duel #3

Subterror Behemoth Speleogeist Protector

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #4

Subterror Behemoth Speleogeist Icon

Gems (x200)

SP Deck Challenge

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (38)

The SP Deck Challenge differs from the other solo campaigns in that it isn't telling the story of a popular archetype. Instead, it's a series of AI duels that get progressively more difficult and serve as a crash course to some of the game's quirkier decks.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Duel #1

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #2

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #4

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #5

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #6

Destiny Board Mate's Base

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #7

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #8

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #9

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #10

Gems (x200)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)


Magical Hats Field Parts (x1)

SP Deck Challenge 2

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (39)

This is more of what was introduced in the first SP Duel Challenge – a series of ten difficult challenges that recreate some of the more iconic duels from the anime. These can be gruelling to complete, especially if you use the underpowered loaner decks Master Duel supplies to you.

To unlock this, you'll need to have cleared SP Duel Challenge first.


Loan Deck Reward

Constructed Deck Reward

Duel #1

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #2

Draconic Tactics Mate's Base

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #3

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #4

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #5

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #6

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #7

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #8

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #9

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)

Duel #10

Legacy Pack Ticket (x4)

Legacy Pack Ticket (x2)


Elemental HERO Stratos Mate

NEXT: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Duel Pass Levelling And Rewards

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Every Solo Mission Reward (2025)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.