What is Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 (2025)

In Ning's layman terms;

Every industry has a ‘classification’ or a ‘rating’ system. Sometimes these labels are official; other times they’re just unofficial ways to describe a company’s size and abilities. For example, small companies often call themselves ‘boutique’, while larger ones make their ‘significant’ size known. While these general labels are helpful, the IT and Telecommunication industry has a very specific rating system. ICT firms are classified as ‘tier 1’, ‘tier 2’, or ‘tier 3’, and since that doesn’t really give much information away, I thought I will explain what those terms mean.

What’s the difference?

The tier system isn’t a difficult one to wrap your head around – it’s actually quite logical. Basically, the telecom companies are rated according to their capacity to take certain projects. The size, resources, experience, and of course, money a company has determined the kind of projects they are able to take on, and therefore what ‘tier’ group they fall in to. In layman’s terms, tier 1 companies are the big guns, and the tier 3 ones are the more modest firms. Over time, companies can move up the tiers if they fit the criteria.

Now, let’s explore the different tiers a little more.

Tier 1

Tier 1 firms are the largest, wealthiest, and most experienced in the industry. This tier is so exclusive, in fact, that there are only a few main telco players! Here’s the breakdown:

These companies take on major commercial projects such as motorways, railways, hospitals, universities, office towers, shopping centers and the like. They have the expertise, resources, and finances to take on such large-scale projects. Tier one contracts are usually in the hundreds of millions and even billions price range.

Tier 2

Mid-tier companies are still key players in the ICT industry. As the name suggests, they are somewhere in between tier 1 and 3. As a general rule, tier 2 companies are more likely to take on commercial (rather than residential) projects. NCS, Citic is a tier 2 company (Singtel is both tier 1 and 2, Ask Ning Why), education, heritage, retail, and industrial projects. Sometimes the lines can be blurred for a company between tier 1 and 2. But they can be tier 1 with tier 2 salary.

Tier 3

Now that you know a little bit about the tier ratings, you can probably guess that tier 3 companies take on the smaller projects. There are a lot more of them around, and they have plenty of work to keep them busy. Tier 3 firms usually take on projects around the million-dollar range to 15,000 USD; sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. The types of projects they take on are:

  • Sizeable residential jobs, including smaller enterprise network installation and stores.
  • Small-scale commercial work, such as building or petrol stations, supermarkets, offices, and places like McDonald's.

These companies are essential to the industry, and they build up their portfolio with this type of work. They then have the opportunity to start moving up the tier ladder.

What is Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 (2025)


What is Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3? ›

• Tier 1 – Partners that you directly conduct business with. • Tier 2 – Where your Tier 1 suppliers get their materials. • Tier 3 – One step further removed from a final product

final product
In production, a final product or finished product is a product that is ready for sale, distinguishable from a business's work in progress, which is not yet complete or ready for sale. For example, oil is the final product of an oil company.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Final_product
and typically work in raw materials.

What is the difference between Tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3? ›

Tier 1 Suppliers: These are direct suppliers of the final product. Tier 2 suppliers: These are suppliers or subcontractors for your tier 1 suppliers. Tier 3 suppliers: These are suppliers or subcontractors for your tier 2 suppliers.

What is the difference between Tier 1 tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions? ›

Tier 1 = Universal or core instruction. Tier 2 = Targeted or strategic instruction/intervention. Tier 3 = Intensive instruction/intervention.

What is the meaning of Tier 1 and tier 2? ›

Tier 1 and tier 2 capital are two types of assets held by banks. Tier 1 capital is a bank's core capital, which it uses to function on a daily basis. Tier 2 capital is a bank's supplementary capital, which is held in reserve.

What are Tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 universities in the USA? ›

When it comes to tiers, Tier 1 schools are in the top 20, Tier 2 schools are in the top 50, and Tier 3 schools are in the top 100. There are more category breakdowns in the top 20, but that's the essence.

Is Notre Dame a Tier 1 school? ›

Tier 2 schools include: USC, Washington University in St Louis, Tufts, Tulane, NYU, Boston University, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Notre Dame, Emory, University of Virginia, Wake Forest, UT Austin College of Natural Sciences, Boston College, Georgia Tech, William and Mary, UCLA, UC Berkeley, ...

Is Tier 1 better than tier 3? ›

In layman's terms, tier 1 companies are the big guns, and the tier 3 ones are the more modest firms. Over time, companies can move up the tiers if they fit the criteria. Now, let's explore the different tiers a little more. Tier 1 firms are the largest, wealthiest, and most experienced in the industry.

What are examples of Tier 3 interventions? ›

These kinds of Tier 3 behavior interventions can include:
  • Mentoring.
  • Social skills development.
  • Collaboration with student's physician, therapist, or mental health provider.
  • Check-In/Check-Out (CICO)
  • Individual, visual schedule.
  • Structured breaks.
  • Behavior meetings with parents/guardians.
  • School counseling.

What are examples of Tier 1 interventions? ›

Implementing Tier 1 Interventions: Educators can implement Tier 1 PBIS strategies such as behavior-specific praise, visual aids, positive home contact, brain breaks, and social contracts to foster positive behavior and create an inclusive classroom environment.

What are examples of tier 2 interventions? ›

Examples of Tier 2 Practices
  • Academic Interventions. Interventions in which students are provided instruction on missing academic skills. ...
  • Check-In/Check-Out. ...
  • Check and Connect. ...
  • Check, Connect, and Expect. ...
  • Classwide Interventions. ...
  • Mentoring. ...
  • Service Learning Programs. ...
  • Setting-based Interventions.

Is Bank of America a tier 1 bank? ›

In the United States, Tier 1 banks include: Bank of America.

Who qualifies for Tier 2? ›

Requirements for Tier 2 – General
  • You should have an offer for a skilled job in the UK.
  • The job offer should be from a UK employer holding a valid Tier 2 Sponsor Licence from UKVI.
  • You should be assigned with a valid certificate of sponsorship (CoS) number from your employer.

What banks are in Tier 2? ›

Tier two would be Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, and Citigroup. Examples of tier three would be UBS, BNP Paribas, and SocGen. Being a bulge bracket bank does not necessarily mean it is rock solid.

Is Duke a tier 1 school? ›

Tier 1 is comprised of major private research universities, including MIT, UChicago, Stanford, John Hopkins, Northwestern, California Institute of Technology, Duke, Vanderbilt, and Rice (among many others).

Is Penn State tier 1? ›

Research. Penn State is a Tier 1 Research University.

What is considered Tier 3? ›

Tier 3: Intensive interventions

This is the most intense level of RTI. Tier 3 can mean small group work, or it can mean individual lessons. Most kids who get this support still spend a lot of their day in a general education classroom. Yet they may spend bigger parts of the day in a resource room.

What is the difference between Tier 1 Tier 2 and Tier 3 words? ›

This handout discusses the three tiers of vocabulary, Tier 1—Basic Vocabulary, Tier 2—High Frequency/Multiple Meaning, and Tier 3—Subject Related. Tier one consists of the most basic words. These words rarely require direct instruction and typically do not have multiple meanings.

What is Tier 1 Tier 2 and Tier 3 in it? ›

IT support levels (tiers)
IT Support LevelFunction
Tier 1Basic help desk resolution and service desk delivery
Tier 2In-depth technical support
Tier 3Expert product and service support
Tier 4Outside support for problems not supported by the organization
1 more row
Apr 25, 2019

What is Tier 1 vs Tier 2 vs Tier 3 Internet? ›

Tier 1, 2 and 3 service providers

Tier 1 providers own or control their own portion of the internet, while Tier 2 and 3 providers lease bandwidth from them. A Tier 1 provider may be more expensive, but they are also often more reliable.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.