Registration - Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (2024)


Registration - Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (1)

​​​​​Thankyou for yourinterestin registering your child in theSavannah-Chatham County Public School System! Registration for Grades K-12is a two-step process, regardless if the student is new to the districtortransferring within district.

Do you need help with registration?

In-person assistance is available for parents needing assistance with registration at theSCCPSS Student & Family Service Center, 400 East Broad Street.Appointments are required.You can also call(912) 395-5584 or email​

Registration for School Year 2024-2025 is Now Open!

New student registration for SY24-25 is now open. Please click the link below to register your child for the new school year.

Register for SY24-25

(ESPANOL) Register for SY24-25

IMPORTANT:Before beginning the registration process, please ensure you have the required enrollment documentation on-hand. See "Requirements" under "Helpful Links" for more information.

  • Step 1: Grades K-12 Registration
  • Step 2: Completing​ the Process​

Step 1: Grades K-12 Registration

Students New to the District or Returning after a Break in Enrollment:

Important information to know before registering:

  • Only a parent, as displayed on the official birth certificate, or legal guardian may register a student inschool.
  • A Chatham County Resident, who is eighteen years of age or older, is regarded as an adult and may register themselves.
  • The potential student must reside within Chatham County.
  • Savannah-Chatham County Public School System encourages enrollees to use the online registration option.​​
  • In order to complete the online registration process,required documents​​must be uploaded. See "Requirements" under "Helpful Links".
  • All required documents should be saved electronically prior to starting the online registration form. See "Document Help Guide" under "Helpful Links".

Students registering for Pre-K:Click here to access the Pre-K application.

Students registering for Choice Programs:Click here to access the Choice Program application.

Students registering for the Little Acorn Academy:Click here to access the Little Acorn Academy application.

Step 2: Completing​ the Process​

School Communication:

The school's Information Specialist or assigned school staff member will contact the enrolling​ parent or legal guardian to complete the registration process. The submitted documents will be reviewed for accuracy and visibility. If you do not receive a response within 3-5 school calendar days, please contact the school.

Helpful Links

  • Requirements
  • Document Help Guide
  • Registration Help Guide
  • FAQs


Required Documents for students new to the district (K-12):

Certified Birth CertificateOriginal, Government Issued Birth Certificate
Proof of AddressCurrent Lease or rental agreement, mortgage statement, home purchase agreement, utility bill (electric, gas, and water only), governmental mail (county, state, or federal) within the last 30 days
Parent/Guardian IdentificationGovernmental Issued Identification
Social Security CardProviding a Social Security number is voluntary. Should you decide not to provide your child's SSN, a waiver form must be filled out to provide an alternative number. Please note: a social security number is required for HOPE scholarship/grant consideration.
Certificate of Immunization (Form 3231)Must be provided within 30 days of enrollment
Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental and Nutrition (Form 3330)Must be provided within 120 days of enrollment
Withdrawal form from previous schoolOptional document

Required documents for students transferring within the district:

Proof of AddressCurrent Lease or rental agreement, mortgage statement, home purchase agreement, utility bill (electric, gas, and water only), governmental mail (county, state, or federal) within the last 30 days
Parent/Guardian IdentificationGovernmental Issued Identification

Proof of address documentsNOTaccepted:

Documents NOT accepted
W2 or other tax documentsVoter Registration CardsDMV Documents (including car tag registration)Cable bills
Phone billsEditable DocumentsPay StubsPostcards
Handwritten LeasesEnvelopesInternet billsBank statements

Document Help Guide

Part of the online registration process includes uploading required documents. This document will provide instructions on digitizing the required documents for registration. SCCPSS is committed to keeping your student's information private while striving to streamline our registration procedures. Do not, under any circ*mstances, email sensitive documents unless prior arrangements have been made with a staff member.

We highly encourage caution to be used and practice online safety procedures when choosing an upload method. Please check all images/PDFs before uploading to ensure that the information is not blurry and can be easily read. Once all the documents are digitized, proceed with the application process. There will be a link where these digitized documents can be uploaded.

Ways to digitize documents:

  • Digital camera or Smartphone camera - Any digital camera or phone can be used to take photos of documents. If using a digital camera or smartphone keep the following in mind:
    • Make sure the document fits within the entire frame. This allows small details like dates to be easily recognized.
    • Use the text or document setting on the camera if available
    • If using the flash becomes a problem, hold the camera or document very still while taking the photo. Place the document on a table in a sunlit room and hold the camera steady while taking the photo.
    • You may have to save your files to another location so that they can be accessed and uploaded from a desktop or laptop.
  • Desktop scanner - Be sure to use medium quality since high resolution can cause the file size to be too large for uploading. If the file is too large, the application will not accept the file.
  • Webcam - Although the result can be lower-quality compared to a digital camera or phone, it is possible to use a webcam to scan documents and save them to your laptop/desktop computer. Open your camera's software to locate the "screenshot" or "capture image" button to take a photo of your document. Hold the camera or document very still and use plenty of light in order to get a clear picture.
  • Tips to keep in mind when making digital copies:
    • Save files in a location that can be easily accessed while completing the Online Registration
    • If using a scanner, be sure to clean the glass and use a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
    • Lay documents on a flat surface and smooth out any heavy wrinkles or creases.
    • If using a handheld camera/phone, be sure to get near sunlight and hold the camera very still for the clearest image. Zoom in on the image to ensure that details (such as the Date of Birth on a Birth Certificate) can be read.
    • Make sure the document fits within the entire frame. This allows small details to be easily recognized.

Other important details to keep in mind:

  • Internet Safety:
    • The link accessed to complete the online application is a secure link. However, there are additional precautions to take if using a public computer or unsecured Wi-Fi.
    • If you are unable to complete the online registration and document upload, please select the icon in the upper right corner and select Save & Sign Out. This will allow access to the information later.
    • Once the Registration process is completed and the required documents are submitted successfully, please log out of the Registration page and close the browser window.
    • Be sure to delete the saved files from any unsecured device once they have been uploaded through the registration process. We will maintain secure copies of documents for our records.

Requesting Assistance: We are more than happy to help with any troubleshooting issues with the online application process. For issues digitizing documents, please consider reaching out to friends, family members, company who may be more familiar with the brand or device that is being used.

Registration Help Guide

Where to Start?

If you do not have access to a computer for the online application process, a laptop can be used at your local library or contact the Student & Family Service Center located at 400 East Broad Street Savannah, Georgia to make an appointment at 912-395-5584. Please allow at least 30 minutes to fill out your application per student.

Prepare Yourself In order to complete the online application process smoothly, it is recommended to gather this information before starting:

• Digitalize all documents that are needed for online registration (see Document Upload Help Guide from the Student Registration Webpage)

• All Parent/Guardian information, including parents not residing in the primary household

• Both Residential and Mailing addresses, home and cell phone numbers

• Names of additional household members (children not yet in school) • Student Social security card (if applicable)

• Status of services received such as IEP, Gifted, 540 plan, etc.

• Previous school(s) attended

• Emergency Contact Name and Phone Numbers

• Health services information such as allergies and medical conditions

• Disciplinary information such as suspensions and time spent in an alternative school • Probation, Court System Documentation (if applicable)

• An email account is required for the registration process. If you don’t have an email, create one at Yahoo or Google for free.

Step 1: Create an Account, Parent/Guardian Profile Password & Set Up Security Questions

  • Create an Account A desktop computer, laptop, or smart phone using the most recent version of Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer is highly recommended for best results. Go to and click the link under "Step One"

Step 2: Add New Registering Student(s)

  • Add New Students Enter the student’s first name, last name, and date of birth. Click “add student” to add any additional students. The name(s) and birthdate should be entered as shown on the official birth certificate. There will be a field located later within the application to enter a nickname.

Step 3:Answer Form Verification Questions for each enrolling student

  • Verify the enrollment school year and answer category questions concerning each student entered (such as Pre-school Intervention Program (PSI) for ages 3-5 or Choice Program Student Options). If any of these categories apply to the registering student, answer “yes” for additional instructions. *Note: If the registering child has received a seat in a choice program, the parent/guardian should NOT complete a new online registration. School Choice has their own registration process.

Step 4: Continue the Application Complete all sections of the application for each student.

  • The left bookmark will guide you; click the green “NEXT” button on the bottom of each section to proceed.
    • Parent:Enter Parent Names as on official birth certificate
    • Contacts: Enter emergency contact names and contact information
    • Health: Enter any health concerns, illnesses, or medications
    • Safe Schools: Enter previous court, suspension, or probationary information (if applicable)
    • Additional: Enter sibling and parent occupational information
    • Agreements: Review and answer local policies and participation guidelines

Step 5: Uploading the Documents

  • Parents and guardians are required to upload specific documents as part of the registration process. Failure to upload all required documentation will result in an incomplete application.
  • Step 5A: Upload the Electronic Documents Under the documents upload section, click the “upload” button associated to the file you choose to upload.
  • Step 5B: Choose Electronic File Click “Choose File” to select the electronic file from your computer, phone, camera, or digital device
  • Step 5C: Confirm Your Document has been uploaded To confirm your file has been uploaded, the name of the file should now appear on the screen. If the file has been uploaded in error, click the small trash icon located to the right of the file name.

Step 6: Electronic Signature & Submit

  • If there are any errors or incomplete information, you will be prompted to return to those sections to complete it (see the “finishing incomplete sections” of this document). Once all information has been entered for the final registering student(s), select agree, type the parent/guardian full name, and enter the date. Your application will not be complete until you have clicked the “Submit” button.


Registration - Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.