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THE AMUSEMENT WORLD IFORT WORTH 2-7 Sunday Jan 8 1946 There's Rhythm on the Sound Track ric and Byron Set Mer ley 1Pace in New Movie Offic Key to Success of Movies and Music HOL BY BOB THOMAS UP)-- "And do tha during the 'Par LYWOOD Jan 5 NA ho are your favorite (i Life with the Johnston Office stlArs7' I inquired nftily BY IDA BELLE HICKS going to be strenuous "I don't think Fri be wise to answer that" he said Pretty e0 McCarey author-director-producer Would be the first one to agree that the or at least that's my impression BY IDA BELLE' HICKS Leo Mc Carey author-director-producer would be the first one to agree that the rv 7 7-1 trir 71 AT BY BOB THOMAS do that during the 'Par HOLLYWOOD Jan 5 "And IA ho are your favorite Life with the Johnston Office I inquired craftily going to he strenuous "I don't think Ur be wise to Or at least that's my impressionns7 dlat''' he said' Pretty 'k- -1 lt' il 1Atr- -q4- 2-14 dr filj s- 1 -I: i 41: Tst lelt I i 4 40 '0''' '4: i 'i 'A Th0 4 -7 4 --11 4-f-r 3 1 t'l i' -1 i ''7f -7' ''(4 7 1 o- '11 y' 1 1'4 ire '1' 71 '1- Itlk 1 44071 i'': Is 144- i osr -1k 160'4 (I I -0 11 k-? -ei-i A A 71L i --44 6e' 1t lif4lp i 'rTIAM i vtio t' --A-fe -7 tor -41t1 Vie 'ICA ''e4 4'17All' Mg' i I tif9 1 1 Ar -0 I- 11" -)- ti z7 i 4 0 6 4 railiMIIIMEICIPIEMIENkalla 1 success of his two outstanding My Way" and "The Bells of St depended to a large degree on music McCarey credits Paramount's most played on the radio accord- elude "9:20 Special" a particular-choral director Joe Lilly for ing to the magazine's survey ly engaging jump tune backed up much of the appeal of the first with "Ain't Misbehavin' film While the producer was in VISUAL 1Columbia's 36887 Victor sends the process of making the picture A picture tune has a better lout a new Tommy Dorsey record-he asked for a box as a prop to chance to be a collector's itetning sure to appeal to Tee Dee's hold a bottle of Irish whisky because of the romantic and "Never Too Lilly heard McCarcY and suggest- tion and the visual suggestion ofiLate to (inc of the process of making the picture A picture tune has a betterlout a neW Tommy Dorsey record-he asked for a box as a prop to chance to he a collectors iteining sure to appeal to Tee Dee's hold a bottle of Irish whisky because of the romantic and "Never Too Lilly heard McCarcy and suggest- tion and the visual suggestion ofiLate to One of atter my first association I hese Washington guys I theasked the same question of Don- (he group which is eplaing aft Nelson when he took over as Hays Office Here's what hap- pened: head of the indtpeadent prod-f- I was sent tc see Byron Price cers and got the same answer wart ime censorship chief who Price took over the interrogat vitt In charge of the Holly- ing and began -skin in- all kinds wood act i it ies of he Motion (4 questions about Hollywood "I of A am Beverly lull lawlroet residence temporarily housing Price I rang the front doorbell 4fl firt' tie 'i i i'114: VI ren i and could see a man Inside way- itifintiktaPaltg ing me around to the side door C'' -4'' 7" I verfle he utam sa cm Wort CecOlt1 SAcow ahme ed that be a musical box play-pleasant situations The Ilammer-Ithe gayer tunes that reached popuing an Irish melody wheneverstein-Rogers music long an im-flarity on its own novelty is "Chick- opened That melody keyed part of Broadway extend-I ery Chick" good in a Gene Krupa whole film led to films last season making its treatment on Columbia's 36877 debut There was a gay little tune in "State Fair" with the voice of Anita O'Day 13uddy Stewart sings the lyrics to "Swinging On a Star" sung by i Out of that film came more Bing Crosby in the "Going 141 than one hit A top tune of to- Just a Little Fond Affection" Way" production It held on inJlay "It Might as Well Be Sprinr another Krupa recording on the 3 i reverse side Bing Crosby in the "Going Aly1 than one hit A top tune of to- SL131 a 111Lt 1- WIIU Way" production It held on inlay "It Alight as Well Be Spr ing another Krupa recording on the rcerse sde COMEDY LOVE MISIt ENTERTAINMENT! CtA' IT'S ALL iNo4e 5i' ew Irli- Iii'7 4--- ----------) i--1i-ii ioctot SAN Smith and Errol Flynn carry on a romance right under the nose of Florence Bates way back in the cattle rustling days of be at the Hollywood Friday "My name's Eric Johnston" said the man who was slender and youngish lie had flown into town that morning lie brought me and introduced me to Price and a Miss Smith Then he skittered up a light of stairs followed by assistants Price and I sat down and he told me about his new job which begins next month -I'm in charge of the Hollywood office of th- producers' organization" he said "Evidently be dealing in labor relations research and so forth" lie said he Nv ould think of public fancy to become one of the'is choice in Columbia's 36893 a most popular songs of the year recording by Ray Noble's orches-I RHYTHM'S' CUTUP There's another cheerful hale lra with vocal by Ray ditty in "Bells of St Mary's" for Me" another "State Spike Jones one of popular mu- ly to hold on in the same way tune was popular locally on sic's most collected recorders uses Columbs 36844 with Kay Kyser's! It's "Aren't You Glad You're every known device lot attracting You?" which Bing Crosby singsiorchestra a Fort Worth favoritel to Joan Carroll in one of the proAnother song from the musicallattention and disturbing tranquil- "It's a Grand Night for Sing-lity Currently he is working in duction's most appealing scenesIfilm Its by Jimmy Van Ileusen andimg" is good on Victor's LarryiParamount's production "Ladies' Johnny Burke and promises to 1Stevens 20-1776- 'Man" in which Jones' mauling of "Holiday for Strings" will be lea- RADIO CLOCK FOR THE WEEK THE FILM CALENDAR Tyrone Power Will Star Wort hens of st marvslbe one of the prized record col- In New CBS Show Sunday Ingrid Bet-man Bing Crosby Friilector items Crosby's voice comes THEIR OWN Decca's album of all "St It doesn't take a movie to give day "Doll Face" Perry -Como Blaine Carmen Miranda Marv's" music Columbia's 361375ji good start to a catchy tune like di-Harriett" available now in a ill ROSALYN GRAVES Ibe guests on "We the People ati icarries Les Brown's recording BY ROSALYN GRAVES lbe gues-ts on the Peopie a I IV idll Didille illildlaid I Icar Br ries Les ow dill recording i a am( qt ma '1 bl now a be one of the prized record col- CIA' '1-111'1I) IIIVIV (Aired RCAVictor will bring outi assuming any movie censorial an album in February of Spike! "The proetietion code ad- ministrator Joseph Breen is o- I- TUMOUR viti DANA ANDREWS JEANNE CRAIN DICK HAYMES VIVIAN BLAINE 4 y1 1 -4 -toz- 1:1: ---g4 4 4 it- yel 1 Noo il: 1 4 1 lit G' 'iitti 1' -AT 0 1 741 ktS 4 PP' 1 '45 s'Ii" At dol4 liri11 TECHNICOLOR 47- 101 "sc telo- InvDEIAI vcANIKNAANNHEAANyCD mRRAEE BLAINE ez 0 r) t-I its i Sliic ones and Il ty ckers mus A new radio show "Hollywood 9:30 In over KRLD I Hollwood ontier Gal "Ain't You Glad You'r ou 9'''Cene Krupa (Columbia 36890) re- New recordings as well as obl a good job of that he re- 'narked Star Time featuring big-namel Outstanding dramatic DeCarlo Rod Cameron Ith Doris Day doing effective backed up by "Are These favorites will be included I His prime problem' "Labor re- tions during the week Will in-ll uesua3' ''She Went to the Races' lyocals in one of the best WaxingsjteallY With Buddy Jones certainly contributes no I lation Most of the union con InOVie talent aryl hit films ill v-thl elude: Lizabeth Scott and vanlFrances Gifford James Craig: Fri-lavailable Stewart vocals "Harriett as has 1 ng dignified but its always have expired and have to cpen on CBS-KRLD Sunda Johnson in "You Came Along "San Antonio" Erroll Flynn much peisonality as "'Laura l' 0-1Spike has a tentative sailing date: lioe be reneooliated throu our Tyrone Power makin his firs ux public appearance since being re-ion Radio Theater at 8 in Smith GIVE AND AE last TK eai a nd can make a pla pan as a cel for his band Ja I Jud leased from the Marine Corps Monday over KRLD Ray Mil- Palace hit the Hay ov vi les may lean heavily on for herself without benefit Not satisfied with rad At this point Jo hnston whizzed iland and Jane Wyman in ''LosCanova Ross Hunter- Tuesday soun( track 1 Premiere performance music or emotional pull it is other good ll ldio pictures and records as al through the room en route to a to be Week-end" on Screen Guild of Death Brenda Jo ce Among ne gnsimell iteard at 1:30 ill be "Sey- at 0 I I I-'telephone I is or reac ing is pu i tn Monday over KRIA)Lon Chaney a recognized fact that popular is "Symphony" especially desir-Spike wants to meet them Price about his movie em face to I asked Pri enth Heaven" with Jealme Crain-'s Joseph Cotten in Build i Ml New Fair" music ic looks to the films cord- able in a Benny Goodman record face and is starting his tra as co-star 'vels" tastes and he confessed he was ht on Ca Straia" valcade of Ca ti NV ednesda ve y1 a re- A new corned y-quiz program ins and radio for the lift required by visiting the GIs first Of course I a confirmed fan lie said he likes 1 ca at 7 Monday over of Dorian Gray" "Rogue' of "My Guvs Come Back" on ce or i rating The close relation they never be the same again to see two or three shows al featuring audien participation and Doug Height Douglas Fairbanks Jr inJif the Range" Friday "Outlawsll which is heard the Vice of Liza will also be introduced this we-k 'k able to although he asn 't The average depth of Lake Gen wee -Wutherinc of the Rockies" "Behind Cityiship between pictures and music Symphon undoubted uby Quipmaster Bob Hawk at 1 given considerable attention injy will make a place for itself as 150 meters i of Romance at 7:30 It Tuos-1 Lights 'is i tn Monday over KRLD repl lc- av over ld KRLD I i NIajestic Highness andBillboard's new Music Yearbook all-time hit 'Yanks" the Tuesday "Naughtyiv In an article titled: "Screen! Harry James' TIPIA' Waxings ng the artime Thanks to the in Musical highlights offered li EWAISISI DANCE ip I ngion Nineties Thursday Raffles appy Boyi I 1 ersus Stage as Song Ilit Maket IcE teners on Sunday ill include a W' New Isis Duffy Tavern movies are conceded to be thel performance of the ershw in To Marry This Week iTuesday "Johnny Angel" Thurs-'most powerful force in boosting a DOORS OPEN TODAY AT 12:43 at the Casino Plano Concerto in 'Major byi lday Partners" Fri-itune Six out of 15 juke box sKAT1N --NOW-- -Valter Ilendl as soloist with thel Nev- Ian 5 'Red River Valley "Brighifavorites come out of picture pro- 1100DS 31001114 Philharmonic-Sym-iMrs Lucy Malcomson Strangler" ductions Twelve songs from films "DUFFY'S TAVERN 9 AND HIS phony Orchestra at 2 clof New York announced Satur- Parkwa Duffv 's a Cast against two from the stage are Skat for Fun and Health Nights at 8:00 pm Wish (32-Star Ca Bing Cro sby Boy 15-PIECE ORCHESTRA MILD and a program of all-NNa ry Tuesda Jane that she and Lt Col Grego -'1 LNie ednes- 1 1111 1 -1 THEATER Afternoons at 3:00 Hytton Paulette Goddard Alan Ladd Vocalist Ted Norman ly aPPY" Boyington the famed 1E 3033 HmPtitti (Except Monday) ay Men in Her Diary rierian music seected A rturol Toscanini for his return to theAine air ace will be married Frida sari 1 Johnny Angel I TODAY 1:30 Saturday Morning 11:00 a 1 0-0011Ellosemeas Every Night Except Monday BC Symphony Orchestra podium next week in Reno tae pace' I WILL I The ceremony yill kl Angel" Tues- "BELL FOR ADANO" COLISEUM SPECIALS Et 4 over WBAP ROGERS DINNER SERVICE no afternoon if Boyingtonlday "Duffys Tavern" I JOHN HODIAK GENE TIERNEY Telephone 2-1341 7i1V UP $10 French OTHER A MALING now stationed at Miramar Field BO Ta vern" ed" "BEWITCHED" oil MOMent Poo S7 'WV gn Except Monday NIGHTLY l'alph Bellamy and Ruth Husseyl 's II San Diego can get to Reno thenlinesday "Men in Her Diary" Fri New PHYLLIS THAXTER will appear on Radio Hall of Year's Specials sio viol CARTOON NEWS la $5 Premium KC Steaks ilf he is delayed they will beday "Johnny Angel" i 11171148440- oii Tuesday afternoon if Boyingtont OTHER SUNDA DIALINGnow stationed at Miramar Field Ilalph Bellamy and Ruth Hussey 'San Diego can get to Reno then I I appear on Radio Hall of11 he is delayed they will be Hav City suckers music in a Jones and Ills good job of that" he re- New recordings as well as ohl I 'narked favorites will be included I His prime problem? "Labor re-- Jones certainly contributes noth-ilation Most of the union con-- $10 French Oil Por $7 Mt moment Ile $IO ViOlet $5 Oil 4141 1 1" ''''s LLPMI CAW NutaLls01 FEATURE NO 2 it fim LI Ili a 1 SIZGLE tglitsint Artt 0110 EOM itmetita Viva Warne Cola as the Rat owl RON IANTIOR as lAoloch ths Scuts Nit Ott ROnDO IA NI trIlla IA010C-1 4 41 seof 4 $750 SO Ducirl Oil 1612Phl MOO SO gn NuPod ihalholo ii11111MINIV 'me at 5 over KGKO Wednesday Phil Harris will take the first 1946 ride with Cass Daley on the Fileh' NTSTC Will Hear Bandwagon a 6:30 over WBAP Charlie McCarthy i -will be host to Roy Rogers and thellilaniSt meiszner AVBAP Charlie McCarthvi -will be host to Roy Rogers and the Pianist Meiszner HALTOM ie Came Wednesday "Captain Eddie" Fri- HAL' day "Dangerous Partners" THEATER Haltom City a New Hair Style $la Violas 7 $IO trophy 6 Oil lhifollo 5 $ic) viol Oil $IO trophy Oil SS Hallo will Tot 4 4t P211N- Pvsh-Up '2 wov Reservations 6-1933 fi 5 Bil H1614WAV I Reservations 6-1933 Reto 1 t1 T' 7 a ess 4 44-JtAkst 3 '11111hn 41 -11110--u- 1' 4- elk A T'''' I ACKSSORO 1 1 4 1311 -11001nzmi6owAv Ime 750 600 500 $7-5C Door 335 Critorn Wav 150 Wovlono IMO Wovten6 ZSUU TODAY 110 "ANCHORS AWEIGH" GENE KELLY FRANK SINATRA "MIDNIGIIT MANHUNT" WILLIAM GARGAN ANN SAVAGE SELECTED SHORTS cAulat oWntorkd ticenmod Operators 210 Moore Bldg-3-0160 (Second Hoar) Bring this ad for our Specials AZLE AVE ZLE AVE ALL WAVES GUARANTEED MATELENE WAVE SHOP 10211 HOUSTON PHONE 2-0416 VEDA PACE Beauty I Shop Six Day Special NORTH 2206 AZLE SIDE DENNIS MORGAN in "THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU" CARTOON NEWS Heavy OH Permanent BCE HOCKEY Complete With Shampoo Set stlga Haircut and Dry NO ditt5t 50 HILARITY CLUB 11-1 404'111'' 410r A 4r II a 40r Amur- Presents "The Shrine of Itudda" A heavy creme oil is used on your hair then your wave is steamed in Results will astonih you Equally suited for oily or dry hair i 4-7 i It 111'( A TONIGHT 8:30 PM Fort Worth Rangers Vs MINNEAPOLIS WILL ROGERS COLISEUM See th Fir Dance of the War shiprit also The riving La Zellas in Daring Trapeze Prformances kil DANCE VEGETABLE OIL $250 PERMANENT io til Music of LC OE gi Boxes Coliseum End Coliseum $125 General Admission 70c All Tax Included TICKETS ON Coliseum Hockey Hat Store Wed Jan vs St Paul Brinkley and His Orchestra Rsreations Phan 6-0067 Roberts Cutoff at Jacksborirs Highway DOLLAR WAVE SHOP 0 SRO FLOOR MOORE BLDG MAIN AT 10T1 2 -8938 ICIlover ALYWOODI I WORTH Club 4: )11: CLEAN! e111I 0 Ar COURTEOUS' ziVe ih -) It) 2011Z INTERSTATE i 0 THEATRES I -w $: DOORS OPEN 1:15 Beautiful Heart W'arming Unforgettable a a i Eddie" Tuesday "Impatient Years" Wed-Sons of the Pioneers at 7 J' 1 ncsdday "Dangerous Partners" (Aer BA Cary Grant Lu-i DENTON Jan 5 (SplL Friay "Yo Mon Came title Ball Don Barclay and tne'Meiszner 21 concert pianist wiiii Andrews Sisters will be in the'be presented on the North Texas' Tavern" Tues- starring lineup on "Request l'er Let Face It Friday "Joh -State Teachers College fine artsidaY i' formance" at 8 over KIILD program on Jan 7 Ifly Angel" Gregory Ratolf motion pic-! Accompanying tAliss Meiszner at River Came Along" lure director Nvill visit Phil second piano for Grieg's AlTuesday "Impatient Years" Wed- cn "Take It or Leave It" at gYMinor Concerto will be Ruth Ilen-I nesday ''Dangerous Partners" Fri- over KRLD Eddiderson senior student at thejlaY "Captain Eddie" 1 Cantor Marjorie Lawrence Emil North Texas State State School' for Adano" "Be- Gauvreau and Muriel Draper will of Music witched" Tuesday "Anchors Thursday 'Bedside Manner" "Rockin' in the Rock- ies" Saturday "Hitchhike Ilappi- SERIOUS MUSIC ON THE AIR ness" "StagecOach to Monterey" Haltom "Anchors Aweigh" -----aaaaa- SUNDAY Nathaniel Richard Manning "Midnight Tuesday "Story of GI Joe "Blond From 7-1 710 rn Harvest of Stars" Hoffmann Raoul Jobill FogeLe It otanpt as guest soloist NIcklau ng sse Fortelle Browni a -ri tr 70 pit trchestra directed hy Soli la touni tie Paolis Brooklyn" a "Two WRAP NBC Co( henille Lodoviro Nat mt' March Shost skovich Coppelius Martial Sinaher Courage" "Saddle Sere-24 nuet Paderewski Pierrette Alarie nade" -ALasouri Logan GiUllet III IthInehe Theborn In A Fla4 Chopin Shietnil Lorenzo Alvary I Azle Very Thought y--1c Piano Com erto Tchaigovsky Pitpnpc-10 Lodoyiro -e Utti! en Nat irtna Arranged Dappertut to Mtial Sin4ner iui l'ul" Ja rInlla NOVOLIIIII Tuesday "The Royal Antonia Scandal" 'Wednesday "Escape in 7 110 -New York Philharmonic-1-tiel Nicola Nloscona I IA Hendl piattist -Fran de Pao1 l5 the Desert" Friday "Don Juan A7t RO(I1'ISisl COIldlICtt XHID -CBS Dr Miracie Martial Saugher I Svmphov in A n-ta or No 7 Beethoven Mother Margaret Harshaw killitligan" "Oh Sat Concerto in ma tor liershwin Conductor Wilfred Pelletier "Empty Holsters" ''My Gal' Sta ge Director Herbert Grof 4-5 -The NBC SymohonY Orches- i Loves Music" 1 tra tzttcler the oirection of Arturo -roc- 1 In an all Wagner concert WBAP- I 2 3 stra of the Nation" NBC' Pi esenting the Pittsburi4h Symphony Or-j Pt to Act III of "Tannhauser chest ra directed by Fritz Reiner WBAP- MARVIN MONTGOMERY Stegirled Ic NBC 1 Siesfreds Rhine Journey from -Got-I-Firebird- Suite StravinskY ORCHESTRA teraammeru ue Fireworks St ravinsky 1 Os ex turd to Die Meistersinger' Suit from -Pet rouchk Stravinsky FRI SAT SUN NITES Dance of the Seven Veils Strauss 7-0 rn-Sunda Evening Hour with i I-Its-ta ETrin- iodnist soloist Eugene 4 5 Tn-Philadelphia Orchestra MIDWAY INN 4 ptmatAy or tim ot- KURD-ABC i Bruno Walter condacting KRLD-CBS lut et tire ihor Handel OrmanY 1 "1 ramie" Overture Brahma Moio a pPttsionata from Symphony No 6 Beethoven 2 MILES WEST OF ARLINGTON Concerto in Minor Wiendelssohn 41111111111111MMEIMISE 1 a -ghetto Morals Zatior 6 10 930 in Boston Symphony Or- 5 'Id PatA at ton Davi Pae chest ra Mere KOUbbe nags' conductor I Phtimlia irom Se cond SYm- KRO- ABC Sthing I McDonatu 'symphony No 26 Mo7art ome ew Pere a i Hubay Symp hony No a Brahma Itrtrr San Doming0 for the New Year Purgar ta Dan es Nos 5 and 6 Ben Bratints laird of Al Being Holme "'hese Glitter Guys! 9 9 -3 In -Hour of Charm-s 1 I SANDY 70 pe t-1 orcnestra under the di- 3 lin Phil Sintainy WBAP NIP i reTemperamental SANI)IFElt a 1iLoee Doodle er Thratis AITIOng the Gold Darks! and His Orchestra EInnie They I Inx- th be the NfoonItght tiieit1 HOLLYWOOD Jan 5 (--1))-- Betsy Jones Vocalist Foster (1 S-Is a tttah Traditional Stars may be temperamental at For Reservations Call 3-9106 Carry Me Barg to Old Virg nnY Rift" times but a new wrinkle is a foter irig joe Tradrt-ticr1 temperamental diamond In "Tan-- TURF CLUB klIdg Btrd Ha Vi Maria Montez sneaks into Hee It anie ND--" the hotel room ot Reginald Denny! 31012 Commerce St liols HolY Ho to steal a large diamond aie! In filming the scene 7 a rn Igor (Joritt i ci urtiteera a in thder ilirtxct ort I 1 men comlaineil that the stone oward flro1- AA BAP NHA Medley ron Hd Miii Ber'e" did not glitter properly An hour's ci Home Dvo Moussoraras delay was spent in adjusting a DANCE 0ag Tho Possente ro -Faust Until-pad tiny ring of inky-dinks (smallest' 3-1-u on the Ran'-ze (iuiot I Con tt he Bea Ifti Blue Danubr S' Tau's of spotlights) to focus on the TONITE Cm the Road to Spealsi before the jewel's facets I a -II T13 Pons so- pick up the light and glit- LARGEST et FINEST FLOOR Intl OW Do tthtnoltic or hesti a on el eti bY llId Voorhees WI AA- ter satisfactorily 1 IN THE SOUTH Nk 'E AP BC Ca loo411 WaltZ -k "IT FLOATS" 4 It' pupa rt Wner ete fati(1 LA viDA CLUB sf Coward Fletcher Hereford -Va1tsi on a Theme bv Tclini A gt Arer sky AND shetioa Song from -Dinorah" Meyerleer Lest Place on Mansfield STYLISTS-15 gi ft It DA Highway 13 12 4C 11 Sdrr-otes for Youth Los Angeies Philharmonic Orthestro Al SPLENDID DANCE FLOOR DANCE conduttot ommenta tor SAT-SUN-WED A (i()Uhl 0U Joy of Mt: 5 NITES SPECIAL PER PERSON 100 Bac h-Caillet Ft et-7 4d ttd movrpents Tax Included mrtor- No KTen 6 rnaK'ov emnsky CHESTER ODOM NO COVER CHARGE z-t ao Pa 7 PrrC ltzor Borneho 1 4 menraTI Opera Offen- AND HIS RHYTHM BOYS THE BIG NORTH SIDE ttl-' let et' Hoffmann- KOKO A a CLOSED MONDAYS COLISEUM IN THE CA-74T re-4 PLENTY OF GOOD BEER t-ies ltr-tima Lndnvier oly IP!" Phen b-115" 121 EAST EXCHANGE AVE 4 Jehn Bake 14ttor Oerhard 1101111111111111111111111111111111111111111EIMENW ion -1 pm Canto Gauvr 1-1 IC Flag eLe l'tt: ed nuoot Uri: en 11( Plano 4-5 tra tzlIt NBC tegIrle teraa Oeltur 1-8 a Conc4 1 Is old Ps vhqs-! ITere Itrtssr urtg 101'1 ol 9 9 nle oo alK S' er Dxr in the (1 S-Is stt earrY T) fl 11e Iionr el I '7 Pry moolley eicIn I Pc ton thi 11) th4 1 eI tht'utors I 1: Shenol 13 1: LOP A BC Al -sts 4 1017 4 trelt I FORT WORTH'S FINEST NITERIE 740f) II Downtown Main at 6th YVONNE DE CARLO ROD CAMERON PRESENTS 11') 4 A Dazzling New Show Starring HILLIS AND FLINT 4010AUKCEir 25pctuti 107 OF 77IE 11114 POPS JUDY Can011a FU1 CROSBY gre4ERGMAN THE BELLS OF ST MARY'S )4 91 "Arstocrets of the Dance' 8 oWoSo4Pb -'1 1 PiN 4 i LELAN LUCAS 4 "Crown Prince of Deception" moon MION1104OSOeD00WO" PlieJEK1111C111911111 HAPPY THOMAS "Evorybody's Boy Friend" Directed By LEO McCARE Who Gave Yo "GOING MY WAY' 00117ER ilrter GAL hi F'5 I I if 43 Plierilighness and the Bellboy JACK AMLUNG CAR 00 PlutAIDAFFYI DUC "Th Favorite Maestro of the Southwest" 111116101 1111-111 It A Nh Whae "VARSITY BOWIE ICATIWAY1 TOWER AII tinmAttin OWIEIM RUM 111 JC CROSRY CROSBY Dining and Dancing Daily from 4 to 1 A No Cover Charge Anytime from 4 to 7:30 Two Floor Shows Nightly at 10 and 12 Choice Chicken Dinners LI With a Million Loughs and si Muhitude of Big Stars DUFFY'S TAVE RN 411PARKWAY11 a bfillion 7: A Laughs mod a i Muhitude of 1 Big Stars 1 OLIFFY9S eNak fpTAVERN r4 Hubble Ilubbal Robt Cummitup Lizabeth Scott Don De Fore You CAME ALONG The Guy Who Put the ii Thrills! FRED MacMURRAY CAPTAIN EDDIE Thrills! FRED MacMURRAY CAPTAIN EDDIE BING CROSBY BETTY HUTTON ED (Himself) GARDNER DUFFY'S TAVER id1-1 1 I 1101 ED (Hims GARDN DUFF) TAVE ilubbal ilubbal Robt Cummings Lizabeth Scott Don De Foto You CAME ALONG GEO RAFT rLAIRE TREVOI SIGNE HASSO Carmichael JOHNNY ANGEL BING BETTY HUTTON ED (Himself) GARDNER DUFFY'S TAVE IT 111-11 ION ED (Himself) GARDNER DUFFY'S VE ERN ODELL ALLEN Owner CHIC SCOGGIN Mgr F7 idellEIEBENEJEIL II.
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