Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (2024)

Controlsin Monster Hunter Rise (MHR or MHRise) features the control layout of the game on the Nintendo Switch, players can also find basic tips and relevant information regarding movement, combat, and certain interactions that are introduced in Monster Hunter Rise. MHRise controls are available for the Switch platform only until the game's PC launch in 2022.

When plugging a controller into the PC version, the displayed controls can be chosen in the Game Settings. Scroll down to the option for Controller Button Icon Type to change the types, icons preview in the bottom to show what type of controller buttons to expect, you can use these to match those up to the controller you are using. Type 1 and 2 are for the Xbox, Type 3 for the PS4, Type 4 for the PS5 and Type 5 for the Nintendo Pro. The controls for controller shown below are for switch controls.

Monster Hunter Rise Controls



PC Keybindings

MHRise Basic Controls (Switch)

The Basics

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (1): Move
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (2):Camera Controls
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (3)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (4): Dash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (5): Crouching
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (6)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (7): Evade
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (8): Draw Weapon
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (9)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (10): Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (11)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (12)on a slope: Slide
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (13)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (14)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (15)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (16)near a ledge: Jump
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (17)with your weapon drawn: Sheathe Weapon
  • Dashing: You can dash withControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (18). Dashing consumes stamina but allows you to run much quicker. You cannot dash when your stamina has dropped below a certain level.
  • Evading: You can dodge attacks at the cost of some stamina. When battling a large monster, evading while dashing away from it will perform a more effective dodge called an Emergency Evasion.
  • Sliding: If you dash down a slope, you will perform a sliding maneuver. This lets you quickly cover ground without using up stamina, but at the cost of being unable to evade attacks.
  • Recovering from Attacks: When knocked down by a monster, you can briefly negate damage from follow-up attacks by not pressing any buttons and staying down. However, be wary - some foes can still hurt an incapacitated hunter.
  • Attacking: To perform an attack, draw your weapon and pressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (19),Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (20), or some weaponsControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (21). Press these buttons multiple times to execute attacks in quick succession.
  • Attacking while Jumping: PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (22)while jumping or falling to perform a jump attack.

Using Items

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (23): Use Item
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (24)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (25)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (26): Select Item
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (27)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (28)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (29): Select Ammo/Coating
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (30)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (31): Select Radial Menu
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (32)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (33): Select Shortcut
  • Using Items: PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (34)to check your item pouch. To select an item, holdControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (35), pressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (36)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (37), then releaseControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (38). Unusable items are marked with an X.
  • Helper Cage: Hunting Helpersyou've caught can be accessed or released from your Helper Cage in the Start Menu's Items and Equipment section. Hunting Helpers are used in the same way as items.
  • Custom Radial Menu: Press and holdControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (39)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (40)to use assigned items and shoutouts, which can be changed via the Radial Menu Settings in Items and Equipment. Note: These are default controls, which can be changed in Options > Controls.

Wirebug Commands

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (41)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (42)on the ground: Wiredash (Upward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (43)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (44)on the ground: Wiredash (Forward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (45)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (46)while airborne: Wiredash (Forward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (47)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (48)while airborne:Wiredash (Upward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (49)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (50): Wiredash (Targeted)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (51)in midair: Midair Stop
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (52)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (53)when knocked back or sent flying: Wirefall
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (54)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (55)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (56)with your weapon drawn: Silkbind
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (57)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (58)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (59)while unsheathing your weapon: Gunner: Silkbind
  • Wiredashing: Perform airborne acrobatics with Wirebugs to move toward a destination or target. Chain these moves together, or lead into a jump attack withControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (60). This will execute a wall run if used while facing a wall.
  • Wirebug Gauge: Performing Wirebug actions consumes the Wirebug Gauge, which recovers over time. Once recovered, the gauge can be used again. The degree of consumption and recovery time varies for each action.
  • Stopping Midair: Momentarily stop in midair. Your gauge will not recover during this time. Drop down withControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (61)or evade withControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (62)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (63).
  • Evading Midair: To execute, pressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (64)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (65)after a midair Wiredash or midair stop. This move is handy for getting around and dodging attacks.
  • Wirefalling: PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (66)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (67)when a monster sends you flying to execute a Wirefall (this consumes some of your Wirebug Gauge), allowing you to quickly recover and evade any oncoming attacks.
  • Skilkbind: Each Weaponhas a unique Silkbind attack. To execute, holdControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (68)(Blademasters) orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (69)(Gunners) then press eitherControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (70)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (71).

Wall Actions

While Scaling Walls:

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (72): Wall Traversal
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (73)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (74): Wall Run
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (75)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (76): Wall Jump
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (77)while in midair: Jumping Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (78): Drop Down
  • Wall Scaling: Move towards an ivy wall and you will automatically grab onto it.
  • Wall Running: Wiredash while facing a wall to run in the direction of theControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (79). Hold downControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (80)to consume stamina and sustain your wall run. You can also wall run while climbing iv by pressingControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (81)and moving theControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (82).

Wyvern Riding

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (83): Light Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (84): Strong Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (85)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (86): Move
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (87): Evade
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (88): Launch Monster
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (89)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (90): Mounted Punisher
  • Wyvern Riding Gauge: The Wyvern Riding Gauge can be filled by damaging monsters or shrugging off an attack by evading just before it hits.
  • Wyvern Riding Timer: Shows how long you can keep riding. Time is recouped when you land attacks, and heavily lost when you are hit.
  • Attack Linking and Combos: Certain button sequences and repetitions execute transitions or combos when Wyvern Riding. These can also be triggered with theControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (91).
  • Moving: You can control monsters' movement freely while riding them. You can also transition to attacking or evading at any time.
  • Emergency Evading: While attacking or being hit, you can evade more quickly than usual by pressingControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (92), at the cost of your Wirebug Gauge.
  • Shrugging off Attacks: Dodging or Emergency Evading just as you are about to be hit will stun your foe and also fill your Wyvern Riding Gauge.
  • Launching Monsters: Press Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (93)while Wyvern Riding to dismount and send the monster flying forward. You'll topple the monster if it collides with a wall or another monster. If your pressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (94)just as the monster hits the wall, you can use a Wirebug to hop back onto it, launch it again, and sent it crashing into the wall once more.
  • Mounted Punishers: Can be used once your Wyvern Riding Gauge is full. This will deal a huge blow to a monster, so make sure not to miss. You only have a limited time to use it though, and if you miss the attack window, you will automatically dismount.
  • Landing the Mounted Punisher: While Mounted Punisher is available, you can useControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (95)andControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (96)attacks to down the monster, making it easier to land the cop de grace.

Riding Palamutes

When accompanied by a Palamute, you'll have access to the Let me Ride! command, allowing for rapid transport within a locale. Hop on your Palamute and you'll arrive at your destination in no time! There are two ways to ride a Palamute:

  • Hold downControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (97)while near a Palamute.
  • Issue the "Let me Ride!" command from the action bar.

Palamute Riding Controls are as follows:

  • Use theControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (98)to move around.
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (99)to dash forward.
  • PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (100)to jump.
  • PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (101)and use theControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (102)to drift while dashing
  • PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (103)to attack.
  • PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (104)to dismount.
  • PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (105)to perform a jumping dismount while dashing.
  • Recovery Items , Whetstones, and some other items can be used while riding a Palamute. When riding, select a usable item from the Item Bar and pressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (106)to use it. Try it out, it can be pretty handy!

MHRise Basic Controls by Weapons (Switch)

The basic controls for each weapon while it is unsheathed are explained below. Note that the basic controls are based on the default controls, some of which can be changed via options in the Start Menu.

Great Sword

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (107): Overhead Slash (Can be held to charge)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (108): Wide Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (109)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (110): Riding Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (111): Guard
  • While Charging,Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (112)to Tackle
  • While in midair,Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (113)for Plunging Thrust

Long Sword

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (114): Overhead Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (115): Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (116)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (117)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (118): Attack while moving
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (119): Spirit Blade
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (120)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (121): Foresight Slash (During Combo)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (122)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (123): Special Sheathe (After Attacking)

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (124): Chop
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (125): Lateral Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (126)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (127): Shield Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (128)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (129): Advancing Shield
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (130): Guard
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (131)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (132): Rising Slash

Dual Blades

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (133): Double Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (134): Lunging Strike
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (135)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (136): Blade Dance (Demon/Archdemon Mode)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (137): Demon Mode/Cancel


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (138): Overhead Smash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (139): Side Smash
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (140): Charge
  • PressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (141)while charging: Charge Switch

Hunting Horn

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (142): Left Swing
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (143): Right Swing
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (144)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (145): Backwards Strike
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (146): Perform
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (147)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (148): Magnificent Trio


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (149): Mid Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (150): High Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (151)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (152): Wide Sweep
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (153)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (154)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (155): Guard Dash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (156)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (157)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (158): Dash Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (159)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (160): Counter-thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (161): Guard


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (162): Lateral Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (163): Shelling
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (164): Charged Shelling
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (165)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (166): Rising Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (167)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (168): Guard Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (169)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (170): Reload
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (171)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (172)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (173): Wyvern's Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (174): Guard

Switch Axe

Axe Mode

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (175):Axe Overhear Slash
  • Rapidly pressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (176):Axe Wild Swing
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (177)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (178): Axe Rising Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (179)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (180):Axe Forward Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (181):Morph/Reload

Switch Axe

Sword Mode

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (182):Sword Overhead Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (183): Sword Double Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (184)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (185): Element Discharge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (186): Morph

Charge Blade

Sword Mode

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (187): Sword Weak Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (188)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (189): Sword Forward Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (190)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (191)during combo: Sword Fade Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (192)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (193): Sword Morph Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (194)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (195): Charge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (196): Guard
  • HoldControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (197): Sword Charged Double Slash

Axe Mode

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (198): Axe Rising Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (199): Axe Elemental Discharge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (200)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (201): Axe Amped Element Discharge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (202): Axe Morph Slash

Insect Glaive

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (203): Rising Slash Combo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (204): Wide Sweep
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (205)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (206): Kinsect: Harvest Extract
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (207)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (208): Kinsect: Recall
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (209)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (210): Kinsect: Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (211): Kinsect: Mark Target
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (212)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (213): Vault

Light Bowgun

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (214): Crosshairs
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (215): Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (216):Wyvernblast
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (217): Reload
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (218)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (219)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (220): Select Ammo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (221)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (222): Melee Attack

Heavy Bowgun

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (223): Crosshairs
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (224): Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (225): Load Special Ammo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (226): Reload
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (227)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (228)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (229): Select Ammo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (230)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (231): Melee Attack


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (232): Aim
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (233): Shoot
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (234): Melee Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (235)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (236): Dragon Piercer
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (237)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (238)orControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (239): Select Coating
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (240): Load/Unload Coating

MHRise Basic Controls (PC)

The Basics

  • W A S D: Move
  • O K L ; : Camera Controls
  • W A S D + Shift: Dash, has Toggle or Hold option
  • Space: Crouching
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (241) : Draw Weapon
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (242) or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (243): Attack
  • W A S D + Shifton a slope: Slide
  • W A S D +Space or W A S D + Shiftnear a ledge: Jump
  • E with your weapon drawn: Sheathe Weapon
  • Dashing: You can dash with Shift. Dashing consumes stamina but allows you to run much quicker. You cannot dash when your stamina has dropped below a certain level.
  • Evading: You can dodge attacks at the cost of some stamina. When battling a large monster, evading while dashing away from it will perform a more effective dodge called an Emergency Evasion.
  • Sliding: If you dash down a slope, you will perform a sliding maneuver. This lets you quickly cover ground without using up stamina, but at the cost of being unable to evade attacks.
  • Recovering from Attacks: When knocked down by a monster, you can briefly negate damage from follow-up attacks by not pressing any buttons and staying down. However, be wary - some foes can still hurt an incapacitated hunter.
  • Attacking: To perform an attack, draw your weapon and pressControls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (244), Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (245), or some weapons Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (246). Press these buttons multiple times to execute attacks in quick succession.
  • Attacking while Jumping: Press Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (247) while jumping or falling to perform a jump attack.

Using Items

  • E: Use Item
  • Hold Ctrl+ leftor right: Select Item
  • Hold Ctrl + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (248)or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (249): Select Ammo/Coating
  • Hold Ctrl + Scroll Wheel: Select Radial Menu
  • HoldCtrl+ F1 F2 F3 F4: Select Shortcut
  • Using Items: Press Ctrlto check your item pouch. To select an item, hold Ctrl, press Leftor Right, then release Ctrl. Unusable items are marked with an E.
  • Helper Cage: Hunting Helpersyou've caught can be accessed or released from your Helper Cage in the Start Menu's Items and Equipment section. Hunting Helpers are used in the same way as items.
  • Custom Radial Menu: Press and holdCtrl+ Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (250)to use assigned items and shoutouts, which can be changed via the Radial Menu Settings in Items and Equipment. Note: These are default controls, which can be changed in Options > Controls.

Wirebug Commands

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (251) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (252) on the ground: Wiredash (Upward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (253) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (254)on the ground: Wiredash (Forward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (255) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (256) while airborne: Wiredash (Forward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (257) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (258)while airborne:Wiredash (Downward)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (259) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (260): Wiredash (Targeted)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (261) in midair: Midair Stop
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (262) + Spacewhen knocked back or sent flying: Wirefall
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (263) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (264) or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (265)with your weapon drawn: Silkbind
  • Shift + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (266)or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (267)while unsheathing your weapon: Gunner: Silkbind
  • Wiredashing: Perform airborne acrobatics with Wirebugs to move toward a destination or target. Chain these moves together, or lead into a jump attack with Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (268). This will execute a wall run if used while facing a wall.
  • Wirebug Gauge: Performaing Wirebug actions consumes the Wirebug Gauge, which recovers over time. Once recovered, the gauge can be used again. The degree of consumption and recovery time varies for each action.
  • Stopping Midair: Momentarily stop in midair. Your gauge will not recover during this time. Drop down withSpaceor evade with W A S D + Space.
  • Evading Midair: To execute, press W A S D + Spaceafter a midair Wiredash or midair stop. This move is handy for getting around and dodging attacks.
  • Wirefalling: Press Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (269) + Spacewhen a monster sends you flying to execute a Wirefall (this consumes some of your Wirebug Gauge), allowing you to quickly recover and evade any oncoming attacks.
  • Skilkbind: Each Weaponhas a unique Silkbind attack. To execute, hold Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (270)(Blademasters) or Shift(Gunners) then press either Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (271) or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (272).

Wall Actions

While Scaling Walls:

  • W A S D: Wall Traversal
  • Shift + W A S D: Wall Run
  • Space + W A S D: Wall Jump
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (273) while in midair: Jumping Attack
  • Space: Drop Down
  • Wall Scaling: Move towards an ivy wall and you will automatically grab onto it.
  • Wall Running: Wiredash while facing a wall to run in the direction of the W A S D. Hold down Shift to consume stamina and sustain your wall run. You can also wall run while climbing ivy by holding Shift and navigating with W A S D.

Wyvern Riding

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (274): Light Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (275): Strong Attack
  • W A S D + Shift: Move
  • Space: Evade
  • C: Launch Monster
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (276) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (277): Mounted Punisher
  • Wyvern Riding Gauge: The Wyvern Riding Gauge can be filled by damaging monsters or shrugging off an attack by evading just before it hits.
  • Wyvern Riding Timer: Shows how long you can keep riding. Time is recouped when you land attacks, and heavily lost when you are hit.
  • Attack Linking and Combos: Certain button sequences and repetitions execute transitions or combos when Wyvern Riding. These can also be triggered with the W A S D.
  • Moving: You can control monsters' movement freely while riding them. You can also transition to attacking or evading at any time.
  • Emergency Evading: While attacking or being hit, you can evade more quickly than usual by pressingSpace, at the cost of your Wirebug Gauge.
  • Shrugging off Attacks: Dodging or Emergency Evading just as you are about to be hit will stun your foe and also fill your Wyvern Riding Gauge.
  • Launching Monsters: Press Cwhile Wyvern Riding to dismount and send the monster flying forward. You'll topple the monster if it collides with a wall or another monster. If your press Spacejust as the monster hits the wall, you can use a Wirebug to hop back onto it, launch it again, and sent it crashing into the wall once more.
  • Mounted Punishers: Can be used once your Wyvern Riding Gauge is full. This will deal a huge blow to a monster, so make sure not to miss. You only have a limited time to use it though, and if you miss the attack window, you will automatically dismount.
  • Landing the Mounted Punisher: While Mounted Punisher is available, you can use Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (278)and Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (279)attacks to down the monster, making it easier to land the cop de grace.

Riding Palamutes

When accompanied by a Palamute, you'll have access to the Let me Ride! command, allowing for rapid transport within a locale. Hop on your Palamute and you'll arrive at your destination in no time! There are two ways to ride a Palamute:

  • Hold downFwhile near a Palamute.
  • Issue the "Let me Ride!" command from the action bar.

Palamute Riding Controls are as follows:

  • Use the W A S Dto move around.
  • Hold Shiftto dash forward.
  • Press Cto jump.
  • Press Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (280)and use the W A S Dto drift while dashing
  • Press Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (281)to attack.
  • Press Spaceto dismount.
  • Press Spaceto perform a jumping dismount while dashing.
  • Recovery Items , Whetstones, and some other items can be used while riding a Palamute. When riding, select a usable item from the Item Bar and press Eto use it. Try it out, it can be pretty handy!

MHRise Basic Controls by Weapons (PC)

The basic controls for each weapon while it is unsheathed are explained below. Note that the basic controls are based on the default controls, some of which can be changed via options in the Start Menu.

Great Sword

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (282): Overhead Slash (Can be held to charge)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (283): Wide Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (284) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (285): Riding Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (286): Guard
  • While Charging,Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (287)to Tackle
  • While in midair, Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (288)for Plunging Thrust

Long Sword

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (289): Overhead Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (290): Thrust
  • W A S D + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (291) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (292): Attack while moving
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (293): Spirit Blade
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (294) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (295): Foresight Slash (During Combo)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (296) + Space: Special Sheathe (After Attacking)

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (297): Chop
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (298): Lateral Slash
  • W A S D + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (299): Shield Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (300) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (301): Advancing Shield
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (302): Guard
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (303) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (304): Rising Slash

Dual Blades

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (305): Double Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (306): Lunging Strike
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (307) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (308): Blade Dance (Demon/Archdemon Mode)
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (309): Demon Mode/Cancel


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (310): Overhead Smash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (311): Side Smash
  • Hold Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (312): Charge
  • While charging release Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (313): Charge Attack
  • Press Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (314)while charging: Charge Switch

Hunting Horn

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (315): Left Swing
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (316): Right Swing
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (317) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (318): Backwards Strike
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (319): Perform
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (320)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (321): Magnificent Trio


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (322): Mid Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (323): High Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (324) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (325): Wide Sweep
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (326) + W A S D + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (327): Guard Dash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (328) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (329) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (330): Dash Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (331) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (332): Counter-thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (333): Guard


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (334) : Lateral Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (335): Shelling
  • Hold Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (336): Charged Shelling
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (337) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (338): Rising Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (339) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (340): Guard Thrust
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (341) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (342): Reload
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (343) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (344)+ Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (345): Wyvern's Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (346): Guard

Switch Axe

Axe Mode

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (347):Axe Overhear Slash
  • Rapidly press Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (348):Axe Wild Swing
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (349) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (350): Axe Rising Slash
  • W A S D + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (351):Axe Forward Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (352):Morph/Reload

Switch Axe

Sword Mode

  • M!:Sword Overhead Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (353): Sword Double Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (354) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (355): Element Discharge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (356): Morph

Charge Blade

Sword Mode

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (357): Sword Weak Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (358) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (359): Sword Forward Slash
  • W A S D + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (360)during combo: Sword Fade Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (361) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (362): Sword Morph Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (363) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (364): Charge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (365): Guard
  • Hold Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (366): Sword Charged Double Slash

Axe Mode

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (367): Axe Rising Slash
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (368): Axe Elemental Discharge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (369) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (370): Axe Amped Element Discharge
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (371): Axe Morph Slash

Insect Glaive

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (372): Rising Slash Combo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (373): Wide Sweep
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (374) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (375): Kinsect: Harvest Extract
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (376) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (377): Kinsect: Recall
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (378) + Shift: Kinsect: Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (379): Kinsect: Mark Target
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (380) + Space: Vault

Light Bowgun

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (381): Crosshairs
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (382): Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (383):Wyvernblast
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (384): Reload
  • Ctrl + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (385)or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (386): Select Ammo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (387) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (388): Melee Attack

Heavy Bowgun

  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (389): Crosshairs
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (390): Fire
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (391): Load Special Ammo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (392): Reload
  • Ctrl + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (393)or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (394): Select Ammo
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (395) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (396): Melee Attack


  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (397): Aim
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (398): Shoot
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (399): Melee Attack
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (400) + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (401): Dragon Piercer
  • Ctrl + Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (402)or Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (403): Select Coating
  • Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (404): Load/Unload Coating

Monster hunter Rise PC Version introduces additional key binding options for Keyboard and Mouse players. These options come with a variety of shortcuts that allow players to customize their inputs to further optimize their gameplay. Each option can be given a Primary input and a Secondary input for players to have multiple options where they want. All inputs shown below are based on default keybinds for Type 1.

MHRiseWeapon Keybinds

Melee Weapon Keybinds

Actions Primary Secondary
Move Forward W
Move Backwards S
Move Left A
Move Right D
Lock On / Change Target Q
Dash (Toggle) / Sheathe Weapon
Dash (Hold) / Sheathe Weapon Shift
Crouch / Dodge (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (405)) Space
Examine / Talk / Gather / Carve F
Open Start Menu Esc H
Open Detailed Map M
Chat Menu Tab
Open Chat Prompt Enter
Normal Attack (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (406)) / Silkbind(Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (407)) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (408)
Special Attack (Weapon Drawn) / Silkbind (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (409)) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (410)
Guard (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (411)) / Special Weapon Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (412)) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (413)
Weapon / Wirebug Reticle (Hold) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (414)
Canyne - Attack Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (415)
Palamute - Jump C
Palamute - Drift Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (416)
Wyvern Riding - Light Attack Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (417)
Wyvern Riding - Strong Attack Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (418)
Wyvern Riding - Launch Monster C
Hunting Installation - Special Ammo E
Hunting Installation - Guard Shift
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (419)+ Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (420)) / Mounted Punisher Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (421)
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (422)+ Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (423))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (424)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (425))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (426)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (427))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (428)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (429)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (430))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (431)+ Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (432))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (433)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (434))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (435)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (436))
Special Sheathe (Long Sword Only)
Use Item / Sheathe Weapon E
Item Bar (Hold) / Reset Camera Ctrl
Item Bar - Scroll Left Left
Item Bar - Scroll right Right
Ammo / Coatings Bar - Scroll Up Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (437)
Ammo / Coatings Bar - Scroll down Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (438)
Action Bar - Scroll Left Left
Action Bar - Scroll Right Right
Action Bar - Up (Select / Perform Action) Up
Action Bar - Down (Select / Perform Action) Down
Controller Shortcuts - Switch Menus G
Use Radial Menu 1 F1
Use Radial Menu 2 F2
Use Radial Menu 3 F3
Use Radial Menu 4 F4
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 1 1
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 2 2
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 3 3
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 4 4
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 5 5
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 6 6
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 7 7
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 8 8
Camera Controls - Up O
Camera Controls - Down L
Camera Controls - Left K
Camera Controls - Right ;

Ranged Weapon Keybinds

Actions Primary Secondary
Move Forward W
Move Backwards S
Move Left A
Move Right D
Lock On / Change Target Q
Dash (Toggle) / Sheathe Weapon
Dash (Hold) / Sheathe Weapon Shift
Crouch / Dodge (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (439)) Space
Examine / Talk / Gather / Carve F
Open Start Menu Esc H
Open Detailed Map M
Chat Menu Tab
Open Chat Prompt Enter
Draw Weapon / Normal Shot (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (440)) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (441)
Special Attack (Weapon Drawn) / Silkbind (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (442)) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (443)
Reload / Load / Remove Coating (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (444)) / Silkbind (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (445)) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (446)
Weapon / Wirebug Reticle (Hold) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (447)
Canyne - Attack Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (448)
Palamute - Jump C
Palamute - Drift Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (449)
Wyvern Riding - Light Attack Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (450)
Wyvern Riding - Strong Attack Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (451)
Wyvern Riding - Launch Monster C
Hunting Installation - Special Ammo E
Hunting Installation - Guard Shift
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (452)+ Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (453)) / Mounted Punisher V
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (454)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (455))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (456)+ Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (457))
Multi-button Action (Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (458)+Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (459))
Use Item / Sheathe Weapon E
Item Bar (Hold) / Reset Camera Ctrl
Item Bar - Scroll Left Left
Item Bar - Scroll right Right
Ammo / Coatings Bar - Scroll Up Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (460)
Ammo / Coatings Bar - Scroll down Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (461)
Action Bar - Scroll Left Left
Action Bar - Scroll Right Right
Action Bar - Up (Select / Perform Action) Up
Action Bar - Down (Select / Perform Action) Down
Controller Shortcuts - Switch Menus G
Use Radial Menu 1 F1
Use Radial Menu 2 F2
Use Radial Menu 3 F3
Use Radial Menu 4 F4
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 1 1
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 2 2
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 3 3
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 4 4
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 5 5
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 6 6
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 7 7
Keyboard Shortcuts - Slot 8 8
Camera Controls - Up O
Camera Controls - Down L
Camera Controls - Left K
Camera Controls - Right ;

MHRise Options and Menu Controls (PC)

Controls and Camera Options

Settings Options
Radial Menu Settings (Keyboard) Type 1 or Type 2
Start Menu Navigation (Keyboard) Type 1 to Type 3
Mouse Wheel Settings 1 Action Bar or Item Bar
Mouse Wheel Settings 2 (While holding Ctrl) Item Bar or Action Bar
Keyboard Settings 1 Action Bar or Item Bar
Keyboard Settings 2 (While holding Ctrl) Item Bar or Action Bar
Invert Left/Right Mouse Buttons Do Not Invert or Invert

Menu Controls

Actions Primary Secondary
Navigate Menu / Change Value - Up W Up
Navigate Menu / Change Value - Down S Down
Navigate Menu - Left A Left
Navigate Menu - Right D Right
Confirm F Space
Back (Cancel) Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (462)
Select Layered Armor Loadout / Sort Shortcuts T
Use / Register / Preview Loadout X
Show Sub-menu / Search G
Change Page / Tab - Left Q
Change Page / Tab - right E
Switch Status / Category Left Z
Switch Status / Category Right C
Rotate Preview Model - Up O
Rotate Preview Model - Down L
Rotate Preview Model - Left K 1
Rotate Preview Model - Right ; 3
Toggle Map Display Level N
Controls | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (2024)
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Article information

Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Last Updated:

Views: 6045

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.