Australia Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187): What You Need to Know - (2024)

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The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) is a visa program initiated by the Australian government to promote economic growth and development in regional areas. The scheme is designed to help employers in regional areas of Australia fill skill gaps in their workforce by sponsoring skilled workers from overseas.

The RSMS visa is a permanent residency visa that allows skilled workers to work and live in regional areas of Australia. The visa is divided into three streams: the Direct Entry Stream, the Temporary Residence Transition Stream, and the Agreement Stream. Each stream has its own set of eligibility requirements and application process.

The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for administering the RSMS program. The program is aimed at addressing the skills shortages in regional areas of Australia by providing a pathway for skilled workers to migrate to regional areas.

To be eligible for the RSMS program, you must be nominated by an employer in a regional area of Australia. The employer must be an approved sponsor and provide evidence that they have a genuine need for the nominated position.

The RSMS program is an excellent opportunity for skilled workers to live and work in regional areas of Australia. It provides a pathway to permanent residency for skilled workers and helps regional employers fill skill gaps in their workforce. If you are a skilled worker looking to migrate to Australia, the RSMS program may be a great option for you.

Eligibility Criteria and Requirements

To be eligible for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), you must meet certain requirements and provide specific documents. The eligibility criteria for this visa are divided into two streams: Direct Entry stream and Temporary Residence Transition stream.

Direct Entry Stream

If you are applying for the Direct Entry stream, you must meet the following general requirements:

  • You must be under the age of 45 at the time of application.
  • You must have the required qualifications and skills for the position you are nominated for.
  • You must have a positive skills assessment for your nominated occupation from the relevant assessing authority.
  • You must have at least competent English language skills.

In addition to the above general requirements, you must also meet the specific requirements for the Direct Entry stream. This includes:

  • Having at least three years of relevant work experience in your nominated occupation.
  • Meeting the ANZSCO code requirements for your nominated occupation.
  • Providing evidence of your qualifications and work experience.
  • Providing evidence that you have been nominated by an approved Australian employer.

Temporary Residence Transition Stream

If you are applying for the Temporary Residence Transition stream, you must meet the following general requirements:

  • You must have held a subclass 457 or TSS visa for at least three years.
  • You must have worked for your nominating employer for at least three years while holding a subclass 457 or TSS visa.
  • You must have at least competent English language skills.

In addition to the above general requirements, you must also meet the specific requirements for the Temporary Residence Transition stream. This includes:

  • Meeting the ANZSCO code requirements for your nominated occupation.
  • Providing evidence of your qualifications and work experience.
  • Providing evidence that you have been nominated by an approved Australian employer.

You must also provide all the required documents to support your application, including proof of identity, qualifications, skills assessment, and English language proficiency. It is important to ensure that your application is complete and accurate to avoid any delays in processing.

Application Process and Documents Needed

If you are interested in applying for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), there are a few steps you need to follow. The application process is straightforward and consists of three stages: nomination, visa application, and health assessment.


The first step in applying for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) is nomination. Your employer must nominate you for the visa. They will need to complete a nomination application and provide evidence that they have a genuine need for your skills. This evidence could include a job advertisem*nt, employment contract, or other relevant documentation.

Visa Application

Once your employer has nominated you, you can apply for the visa. You will need to complete a visa application and provide a range of documents to support your application. These documents may include a document checklist, form 956 (if you are using a migration agent), your employment contract, a credit card to pay the application fee, and your passport.

You will also need to provide evidence that you have the skills and qualifications required for the job. This may include a skill assessment from a relevant authority.

Health Assessment

As part of your visa application, you will need to undergo a health assessment. This is to ensure that you do not have any medical conditions that could pose a risk to public health in Australia. You will need to attend an appointment with a panel physician and provide a range of medical documents.

In summary, the application process for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) involves nomination by your employer, visa application, and a health assessment. You will need to provide a range of documents to support your application, including evidence of your skills and qualifications. If you follow the process correctly, you should be able to obtain your visa and start working in Australia.

Role of Employers and Nominated Positions

If you are an employer in Australia looking to sponsor a skilled worker for permanent residency, you can nominate them for a position under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187). This scheme allows employers in regional areas of Australia to fill skill shortages by sponsoring skilled workers for permanent residency.

To nominate a position, you must demonstrate that there is a genuine need for the position in your business. This means that you must show that the position is necessary for the ongoing operation of your business and that you have been unable to find a suitable Australian worker to fill the position.

Once you have identified a genuine need for the position, you must ensure that the position meets the requirements of the scheme. This includes demonstrating that the position meets the annual market salary rate and that the base salary for the position is at least equal to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT).

The position you nominate must also be included on the list of eligible skilled occupations for the scheme. This list is regularly updated to reflect the needs of the Australian labour market, so it is important to check that the position you are nominating is still eligible.

If you meet these requirements, you can nominate a skilled worker for permanent residency under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme. This can be a great way to fill skill shortages in your business and ensure that you have access to the skilled workers you need to grow and succeed in regional Australia.

Understanding the Different Streams

If you’re planning to migrate to Australia through the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), it’s important to understand the different streams available to you. The subclass 187 visa has two main streams: the Direct Entry Stream and the Temporary Residence Transition Stream.

Direct Entry Stream

The Direct Entry Stream is for individuals who have been nominated by an Australian employer and have not worked in Australia before. This stream is for people who are looking to permanently migrate to Australia. If you’re applying through the Direct Entry Stream, you’ll need to have your skills assessed and meet the English language requirements.

Temporary Residence Transition Stream

The Temporary Residence Transition Stream is for individuals who have been nominated by an Australian employer and have been working in Australia on a 457 or 482 visa for at least three years. This stream is for people who are looking to permanently migrate to Australia. If you’re applying through the Temporary Residence Transition Stream, you’ll need to meet the English language requirements and have the necessary skills and qualifications for the job.

457 Visa

The 457 visa was a temporary work visa that allowed employers to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to work in Australia for up to four years. This visa was replaced by the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482) on March 18, 2018. If you’re currently on a 457 visa and are looking to apply for permanent residency through the subclass 187 visa, you’ll need to apply through the Temporary Residence Transition Stream.

482 Visa

The Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482) is a temporary work visa that allows employers to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to work in Australia for up to four years. If you’re currently on a 482 visa and are looking to apply for permanent residency through the subclass 187 visa, you’ll need to apply through the Temporary Residence Transition Stream.

In summary, the subclass 187 visa has two main streams: the Direct Entry Stream and the Temporary Residence Transition Stream. If you’re planning to apply for this visa, it’s important to understand which stream you’re eligible for and what the requirements are.

Processing Time and Cost

If you are considering applying for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), it’s important to consider the processing time and cost. The processing time for subclass 187 applications can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the complexity of your case and the volume of applications being processed by the Department of Home Affairs.

According to a report by Migration Solutions, the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) has a processing time of approximately 12 months. However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate and actual processing times can vary. It’s recommended that you check the Department of Home Affairs website for the most up-to-date processing times.

In addition to processing time, it’s important to consider the cost of applying for subclass 187. The cost of lodging a subclass 187 visa application can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of visa you are applying for, your location, and your individual circ*mstances.

As of November 2023, the cost of a subclass 187 visa application is AUD 4,045 for the primary applicant. Additional fees may apply for dependents and other services, such as health assessments and police checks. It’s important to note that these fees are subject to change, so it’s recommended that you check the Department of Home Affairs website for the most up-to-date fee information.

Overall, while the processing time and cost of applying for subclass 187 can be significant, it’s important to consider the potential benefits of the visa, such as the opportunity to live and work in Australia permanently.

Living and Working in Regional Australia

If you are considering migrating to Australia under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), you may be wondering what it’s like to live and work in regional Australia.

Regional Australia is defined as any area outside of the major cities, including land and sea areas. Some popular regional areas include the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong, and Melbourne.

One of the benefits of living in regional Australia is the lower cost of living compared to the major cities. This means that your salary can stretch further, allowing you to enjoy a higher standard of living. Additionally, regional areas often have a strong sense of community, where people are generally more friendly and welcoming.

When it comes to working in regional Australia, there are plenty of opportunities available. Many regional areas have a high demand for skilled workers, particularly in industries such as agriculture, mining, and healthcare.

If you are concerned about access to amenities and services, rest assured that many regional areas have everything you need. You’ll find shopping centers, schools, hospitals, and other essential services in most regional towns and cities.

Overall, living and working in regional Australia can be a rewarding experience. With a lower cost of living, a strong sense of community, and plenty of job opportunities, it’s easy to see why many people choose to make the move to regional Australia.

Role of Migration Experts and Consultation Services

If you are planning to apply for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), it is highly recommended that you seek the guidance of a migration expert. A migration expert in Australia can provide you with the necessary information and assistance to ensure that your application is successful.

Consultation services are also available to assist you in the application process. These services are staffed by experienced professionals who have helped many others like you. They can provide you with helpful advice and guidance along the way.

With the assistance of migration experts and consultation services, you can be confident that your application will be handled by experienced hands. They have the knowledge and expertise to ensure that your application is complete and accurate, increasing the chances of a successful outcome.

Many individuals who have used these services have reported being satisfied with the excellent service they received. By using the services of a migration expert and consultation services, you can be confident that you have done everything possible to ensure a successful outcome for your application.

Rights and Privileges of Permanent Residents

As a permanent resident in Australia under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), you are entitled to various rights and privileges that are similar to those of an Australian citizen. Here are some of the most important rights and privileges that you can enjoy:

1. Work and Study

As a permanent resident, you have the right to work and study in Australia without any restrictions. You can work for any employer and in any occupation, provided that you have the necessary qualifications and skills. You can also study in any educational institution in Australia and have access to the same educational opportunities as Australian citizens.

2. Access to Public Services

As a permanent resident, you have access to a range of public services that are provided by the Australian government. These services include health care, education, and social security. You can also access public housing and other forms of government assistance if you meet the eligibility criteria.

3. Right to Vote

As a permanent resident, you are not eligible to vote in federal elections in Australia. However, you can vote in local government elections if you meet the eligibility criteria.

4. Travel

As a permanent resident, you can travel in and out of Australia as many times as you wish. You can also apply for an Australian passport if you meet the eligibility criteria.

5. Citizenship

As a permanent resident, you can apply for Australian citizenship if you meet the eligibility criteria. This includes passing a citizenship test and meeting the residency requirements.

Overall, being a permanent resident in Australia under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) provides you with a range of rights and privileges that are similar to those of an Australian citizen. This can help you to integrate into Australian society and enjoy a high quality of life.

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians

When discussing the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) in Australia, it is important to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which the scheme operates. Australia has a rich history and diverse culture, which includes the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the custodians of the land for tens of thousands of years.

As a migrant coming to Australia under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), it is important to understand and respect the cultures and traditions of the Indigenous peoples. This includes acknowledging their connection to the land, their communities, and their elders who hold the knowledge and wisdom passed down through generations.

The Australian government recognizes the importance of acknowledging the traditional custodians of the land and has made it a standard practice to include an Acknowledgement of Country at the beginning of official events and meetings. This practice has been adopted by many organizations and businesses across the country, and it is encouraged for migrants to also include an Acknowledgement of Country when appropriate.

By acknowledging the traditional custodians of the land, migrants can show respect for the Indigenous peoples and their cultures. This can help to build stronger relationships and connections within the community and promote a more inclusive and welcoming society for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for the subclass 187 visa?

To be eligible for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) visa, you must meet certain requirements. These include having a sponsoring employer in a regional area of Australia, being under the age of 45, having the required skills and qualifications for the nominated occupation, and meeting health and character requirements. Additionally, you must have at least competent English language skills.

What is the processing time for subclass 187 visa in 2023?

The processing time for a subclass 187 visa can vary depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of your application and the number of applications being processed by the Department of Home Affairs. As of 2023, the processing time for subclass 187 visa applications is approximately 12 to 16 months.

What is the difference between subclass 186 and 187 visa?

The main difference between the subclass 186 visa and the subclass 187 visa is that the former is for permanent skilled workers who are nominated by an employer, while the latter is for skilled workers who are sponsored by an employer in a regional area of Australia. Additionally, the subclass 187 visa requires the employer to be actively operating in a regional area of Australia and to have a genuine need for the nominated position.

Is subclass 187 visa still available?

Yes, the subclass 187 visa is still available for eligible applicants. However, it is important to note that the visa program is subject to change and may be updated or replaced in the future.

What is the age limit for subclass 187 visa?

To be eligible for the subclass 187 visa, you must be under the age of 45 at the time of application. There are some exceptions to this age limit, such as if you are nominated for a position that is exempt from age requirements.

Can I still apply for subclass 187 visa?

Yes, you can still apply for the subclass 187 visa if you meet the eligibility requirements. However, it is important to carefully review the requirements and ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and qualifications before submitting your application.

Australia Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187): What You Need to Know - (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.