An Ultimate Guide on Working With Linked Issues in Jira (2025)

How to create, automate, and get an overview of linked issues in Jira

Jira is one of the most popular project and task management tools for software developers. One of its features has proven a particular usefulness in this context: linking Jira issues to each other.

What Does a Link Between Jira Issues Mean?

The following screenshot illustrates all types of relationships that you can set between any Jira issues. Both one-to-one and one-to-many connections are possible.

An Ultimate Guide on Working With Linked Issues in Jira (1)

Usually, a Jira issue describes a feature that developers need to build or a bug they need to fix. Apart from this, developers can have other tasks, think, issues to solve. Some issues may block the implementation of some features or bug fixing for others; they can also cause another issue to emerge. Some issues may keep popping into existence from time to time. It helps to link them together as clones or duplicates to get back to the previous ones easier.

What Can You Link to an Issue in Jira?

Quite obviously, you can link Jira issues to each other. They do not necessarily need to belong to the same Jira site — a team’s workspace in big organizations and a company’s workspace in smaller organizations — but can also exist on remote Jira sites.

In Jira, you can make issue links reciprocal. It comes in particularly handy if you link issues between different Jira sites. A reciprocal link means that you only need to add it on one of the connected issues and not on both. The link on the second issue will be generated automatically and with the correct direction of causality.

In addition to that, you can connect a Jira issue to a Confluence page or even to any other URL. No reciprocal links are possible in this case, though.

How to Create a Linked Jira Issue

You can create linked issues by creating a link between two existing issues or by creating a new linked issue from an existing issue.

On an issue, either select another issue from the dropdown (1) or click on “+ Create linked issue” (2):

An Ultimate Guide on Working With Linked Issues in Jira (2)

This flexibility allows you to keep track of dependencies between issues easily.

Jira Linked Issues Automation

In Jira, you can automate linked issues management. Different scenarios are possible. We consider two of them as examples.

Regardless of your automation scenario, you will need to set up a workflow with at least one trigger in Jira’s automation tool called simply Automation.

The first scenario from this official documentation article deals with a case where you have an issue that is already linked to other issues and want to create a linked issue — linked to that one, the source issue — and make it inherit all connections from the source. This can be done automatically.

Another popular use case is described in this blog post. Quite often, you have two or more related issues. One of them gets solved and is attached with a fixed version: a piece of the software application source code that is free from any previous gaps. You want all other linked issues to inherit this fixed version. Instead of editing each of them manually, you can automate this process.

Show Linked Issues

Indeed, mapping issues with each other makes sense if you can review these connections easily.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case with Jira. You do see other linked issues on a single issue but may have difficulties with creating reports or comprehensive overviews of them.

Filter Your Scrum/Kanban Board

Regretfully, we have to disappoint you as this does not work in Jira. “Linked issue” cannot be used in a board filter since it is not a status.

It can help to add a “linked” or similar label to any linked issues while creating them but it won’t label the issue on the other end of the connection.

An Ultimate Guide on Working With Linked Issues in Jira (3)

Two workarounds are possible for this: JQL and REST API queries.

JQL Queries for Linked Issues

Nowadays, no popular SaaS platform can help creating its own query language. No could Jira! That’s how you got JQL: Jira Query Language.

With the following query, you can fetch all linked issues of the cloned type in a particular project:

project = "projectName" and issueLinkType = clones

You can modify the line to get linked issues of other types and for other projects. This query needs to be executed inside Jira’s advanced search.


Jira offers an API that you can use to get information about any issues. For now, there is no method for calling only linked issues. You can use a GET call combined with a JQL query indicating that you want all issues for the project. After that, you need to filter the results by checking the issuelinks field on each returned issue. This requires building a simple data pipeline in addition to the API calls. Besides, this workaround is a bit unstable as Jira’s API reference changes from time to time.

Enhancing Your Linked Jira Issues With Video Messages

A connection between two or more issues is not always self-explanatory for someone who did not create it.

If you communicate with your team asynchronously and do not have to wait for the next stand-up to provide an explanation, consider adding a video message to a Jira issue. Although Jira allows attachments, you do not need to upload huge video files. Instead, you can attach a shared video link. How do you get one actually?

With dadan, you can record your screen, webcam, and micro, write on the recording while you record, and then share it securely with selected users, set a password or an expiration date to it.

Moreover, you can use dadan-Jira integration to make a dadan button appear on the issue like that:

An Ultimate Guide on Working With Linked Issues in Jira (4)

You can record a completely new video, capturing your screen and/or your webcam (the latter will appear as a small talking head in the bottom left corner of the recording). Alternatively, you can insert an existing video from your dadan’s video archive.

The result will appear as a thumbnail preview inside the description and a link with a custom link text that you can edit afterwards.

An Ultimate Guide on Working With Linked Issues in Jira (5)

Others can click on the link and access it in the dadan cloud storage. Comments can be added both to the Jira issue or dadan’s shared video page. In dadan, comments can be timelined.

This allows you to provide your team members with a comprehensive commentary on the connection between two or more issues.


Linked issues in Jira are a great way to keep track of possible impediments, dependencies, and casualties inside your project, and eventually allow you to plan your project timeline better. Enhanced with video attachments, linked issues in Jira help your developers in communicating asynchronously and prevent your team from missing any important information.

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An Ultimate Guide on Working With Linked Issues in Jira (2025)


How to use Jira linked issues? ›

Link issues
  1. Right-click on an issue or hover to select more actions (•••).
  2. Select Link issue.
  3. Select a link type, then select the issues you want to link. If you want to link an issue that hasn't been created yet, select Create linked issue.
  4. Select Link.

How do I write JQL for linked issues in Jira? ›

Linked Issues by Link Type. If you want to get the issues linked to a specific issue with a particular link type, use the function “linkedIssues(issueKey, linkType).” To find the link type, navigate to Administration > Issues > Issue Linking and use the “Name” column.

How many issues can be linked in Jira? ›

Jira does not have a limit for the number of issues that can be linked to a single issue. This allows a single Jira issue to have unlimited issues linked. This can lead to OutOfMemoryErrors and sequential Full GCs.

What is the maximum number of linked issues in Jira? ›

there is no limit for issue links.

How do I link two issue types in Jira? ›

To link an issue:
  1. Open the issue view of the request.
  2. Select Link issue ( ).
  3. Search for an existing issue to link, or select + Create linked issue to create a new issue.
  4. If you searched for an existing issue, choose how they relate to each other ("is blocked by" or "relates to," for example), then select Link.

Can you link Jira issues between projects? ›

It is possible to link Jira issues using the generic Link Issue functionality, and you can link Jira issue in one Jira Project to issues in another Jira Project. Subtask level issues and their parent issue at the Standard level must be in the same Jira Project.

How to get status of linked issues in Jira? ›

These would be the exact steps:
  1. Create a single custom field for each linked issue.
  2. Use the smart value {{issue.status} to create an automation rule and update those fields when the status of the related linked issues get updated, as in the example below:

How do I mass link issues in Jira? ›

To bulk add multiple issues to a single issue in Jira, follow these steps:
  1. Perform a search for the issues you want to add to the single issue.
  2. Select the issues you want to add by ticking the checkbox next to each issue.
  3. Click on the "More" button (represented by three dots) and select "Bulk Change all n issues."

What is the difference between JQL and SQL? ›

JQL syntax is similar to SQL, but it is specific to Jira and is used within Jira's search interface. JQL can be used by both technical and non-technical users to find, analyze, and report on data within Jira.

Can a Jira issue be linked to multiple projects? ›

A Jira Project is a container for issues. An issue exists in one and only one Project. You can display issues from multiple projects in a Board because a board uses a filter to select the issues to display and the filter can be constructed to include multiple projects.

Can a Jira issue be linked to multiple epics? ›

You cannot do that. An issue can have only one parent Epic that is recognized by Jira as the parent Epic. You can use the generic Link Issue function to link an issue to multiple Epics, but Jira will not recognize those additional Epics as "parents" of the issue.

How do I merge two issues in Jira? ›

Navigate to the source issue you want to merge.
  1. Click Action menu ··· > Merge.
  2. Enter the target issue key.
  3. In the Append Fields section select Description from …
  4. Check Attachments and Comments.
  5. Click Merge.

How do I export all linked issues in Jira? ›

When exporting JIRA search results to csv linked issues column does not appear
  1. Navigate to Search issues.
  2. Add column "Linked Issues"
  3. Search for something (that results in Linked Issues in some of the results)
  4. Export to csv with "current fields". ...
  5. Export to HTML report "current fields".
Sep 20, 2017

How do I delete all linked issues in Jira? ›

1 answer
  1. Browse to the settings for the project.
  2. Click Workflows.
  3. Click the name of the workflow you are using.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click the line representing the transition where the fields are located. ...
  6. In the box, click the name of the screen (in my case, the screen was named JIRA Service Desk Resolve Issue Screen - 5).
Oct 30, 2018

What are the limits of JQL? ›

By default, the maximum number of issues that can be retrieved by the JQL query is set to 100. You can change the issue list limit in the Global configuration, using the following values: Add any integer starting from 1. Enter “-1” to remove the limit.

How do I create a linked status in Jira? ›

To create a new status:
  1. From your project's sidebar, select Project settings > Issue types.
  2. From the sidebar, select the issue type you want to edit.
  3. Select Edit workflow.
  4. Using the toolbar at the top of the editor, select a status category for the status you want to create.
  5. Give your status a name.
  6. Select Add.

How to link a defect in Jira? ›

Link Defects/Bugs to Test Step
  1. Open the Steps tab by clicking on the Step Count (S.C.) for the test case.
  2. Click on the bug icon at the right.
  3. The Assign Bugs screen opens. Follow the same steps described above to create a new bug or add existing bugs.
Oct 14, 2023

How do I link an issue type to a workflow in Jira? ›

In the Available Issue Types list, find the issue type you want to use and drag and drop it into the Issue Types for Current Scheme list. Select Save. From your service project, select Project settings, then Workflows. Select Add workflow, then select Add existing.

How do I share a link to create an issue in Jira? ›

Get a general link to create issues using any forms
  1. From your service project, select Project settings, then Forms.
  2. Select the form you want to create a link for.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Turn on the toggle next to Create a shareable link.
  5. Select the request type/s you want to attach this form to.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.